Bah! Humbug!!

Is it just me or are others finding it hard to get on with Christmas this year? I have had chemo & mast. with rads to come in Jan,plus now on Tamoxifen.I am finding Christmas hard to deal with, feel like I am just going through the motions, it all seems rather trite. Plus it seems to be making me weepy - carols, doing the tree etc, guess I keep thinking last year I was ok. Anyone else feeling like a christmas Grump??

i have to admit that i am not as excited about christmas this year as much as previous years. It helps having a 7 year old in the house who is VERY excited!
Normally i have my tree and decs up by december 1st but this year have not felt in the mood. Finally put them up last sunday after lots of wine!

I couldn’t even think about Christmas cards until the 16th, then had to stay up till 1am writing them all! We’ve bought the tree but not decorated it yet. I hadn’t realised how much I do for Christmas - now I’m not bothered it doesn’t get done - I have a husband and 4 children (youngest 12) who could do stuff if it bothered them - but they don’t!


You are not on your own - I too feel like bah humbug and scrooge this year. Just going thro the motions!!!


Hi MandH
I haven’t send any cards, have no decorations up and haven’t bought any presents yet! I can’t get in the mood. But also, it’s great to have an excuse not to participate in the overkill and over consumption around Christmas. The family (no young kids) fully understand and think it’s fine.

feels better to know that itsnot just me…janerc001 you are right, is has made me realise how much i usually do! Anyway my mum has invited us for xmas lunch now,so at least I won’t have to worry about that!!

Oh come on! We are still here, there are other problems that people have and still carry on. Just because it’s cancer we have had, should not mean we should forget the rest of the family, and the fun it can be. Get someone to help but dont keep moaning about poor me I have had cancer, there are many people with life threatening problems.

Sorry but I think it’s time I moved on and left this site behind. Or perhaps I am tired after finishing the Christmas shop!!!


I am not going to argue but think you are being really unfair. We are all entitled to our thoughts and feelings and it has nothing to do with self pity. Too many other threads have degenerated from comments such as yours!!!


Hi MandH

This is a difficult and poignant time of year whether or not we celebrate Xmas. So sorry you’re feeling sad and weepy…not surprised…you’ve had a hard year.

Go gently on yourself

best wishes


I got my dx just before christmas last year…so last christmas…just out of hozzie was a bit of a pants one. This crimbo still feels a bit weird…all treatment has finished…we are trying to buy a house (funny old thing cant get life insurance for me and no amount of telling the broker that is going to convince him lol)…lots of job interviews going on…so its all a bit erm busy and doesnt quite feel the same.
My girls are all excited…the tree is up, decs are up…not as many as i usually have (could move in 3 weeks lol)…pressies are all done etc, kind of forgot about the christmas cards oooops…going to mums for crimbo dinner as my lil sis is coming up for a visit.
I think its all a case of…hmmmm ive lost a complete year…no more treatment apart from tamoxifen and the check ups…now what…if that makes sense. I am trying, am still all chirpy etc but the whole thing just feels different. Or maybe my outlook on the whole whizzbang has changed.

Hi Buttons500

I know how you feel, I was dx on 19th December last year. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one.

take care

Hiya Buttons

Have I dreamt it or did you not move house before you started chemo? How is the job going?

Happy Christmas my friend and a wonderful, happy, HEALTHY 2008.

Julie xxx

lol…yes I moved house the week before my chemo started lol…and here I am again lol…but this time its for our own place which will be great. I packed in that other job…they really pushed it hours wise and it was wearing me out and down to much…so hubby said enough…find something else…and I have lol…had an interview…found out on friday i got the job…get this…INFECTION CONTROL TEAM…

Im still trying to figure out whats what and wheres where with my head…but like my booby doc said…discount this year completely and pick up again next year…think ive kind of taken him to his word.

Thanks for your kind message Jane, eileen mary you definitely need to go elsewhere! Buttons500 you summed it up when you said ‘I am trying, am still all chirpy etc but the whole thing just feels different’ I was not wallowing in self pity but trying to cope with feeling different. Knowing others felt the same was really helpful. We have had a lovely couple of days and I feel much more positive about facing the new year, my radiotherapy etc etc. Hope you other ladies also had a good time in the end!
Best Wishes to all for a positive, happy healthy 2008 x x