Bath& north east somerset

Morning ladies/gents
I am based BNES and was wondering if any support groups in the area

Many Thanks

hi jan jan
there’s a meeting-for-lunch group reasonably regularly at browns in bristol - watch out for ‘bristol meet up’ posts, & a sub-group in fishponds, again meeting for food & drink, which may be no good for you unless you drive
there’s also a group on facebook called somerset cando, with the definition of ‘somerset’ growing daily - it’s a closed group so you have to send a message & get let in
they’re all supportive & we tend to compare experiences, get advice from each other etc but if you want a ‘proper’ support group best thing would be to ask your bcn - southmead, weston & musgrove all have hospital-based ones but i don’t know if there’s anything at ruh
if you’ve got a car / lift-givers, penny brohn centre’s not too far, either
hope that helps - some proper banes-ites (i’m a bristol gal) will come along at some point who may know more about stuff that’s v local to you

I have tried the somerset cando but can’t find it from my facebook !!!
thanks for info

Hi Jan Jan
I am having my treatment at RUH Bath at the moment, had WLE and sentinel node biopsy on 16th Feb and just waiting for radiotherapy date. Appointment with oncologist this afternoon so hoping I will be clearer then. I am not aware of anything happening locally but would be interested if there was a group also.

good afternoon Hedonist,
I have my appointment with oncologist on 12th Aprilto sort out rads and stuff I think as once dicharged from breast unit everthing seems to go blank for a while ,
do you mind asking what grade you have? as mine is a simple grade 1 so not getting over worked up

let me know how the appointment went thinking of you
Jan xx

Hi Jan
I went through treatment at the RUH 4 years ago, I found the care there was brilliant. My surgeon was amazing, doing a great job and really thinking about how I would look post op.
I hope all goes well for you, send me a private message if you would like to.
Take care Jackie xxx

Hi Jan
My tumour was grade 2 ductal with some lobular, sentinel nodes were clear and they were happy all was removed with a clear margin. Appointment was fine, oncologist was very pleasant and has referred me for 4 weeks rads all together. I was also hormone receptive +++ so now armed with Arimadex - might take a couple of days to work up to taking it. I am not sure when rads will start it expect a couple of weeks. When did you have your surgery. Xx


Somerset Cando is a lovely west country based support group! pm me for details.
Musgrove dosent really have any specific support group for bc ladies except one that is really for older ladies!

surgery 23th Feb, grade1 nodes ok clear margins now waiting for oncology app on 12 April to sort out rads and tabs ,
who is ur bcn at the ruh? as I didnot get on with one of them (we both disliked each other) now have Irene

take Care
Jan x

bumping for julie, Julie you might want to contact one of the women about the Somerset Cando group
