Bothersome pain on my chemo port

I have had my chemo port in for 7 weeks now. Recently it just started to hurt a little. Can it be because of the cold weather coming in? It’s not all the time that it hurts just sometimes . Anyone else experience something like this??

Hi Isaacsmom, 

I am am sorry to hear you are going through this anxious time, I am sure some of our users will be along soon to share their experiences and offer some support.

In the meantime please do give oursupport line a call at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about your concerns and provide you with information and a friendly ear.

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant

Hi Isaacsmom. I have had an Hickman line in since April and have had discomfort almost all of the time - a dull ache and pulling feeling. Since the weather has turned colder over the last few weeks I have noticed that it hurts when outside so am wearing a scarf more to protect my neck.

I also find that the way I sleep also affects it.  Marli x