Bra or vest after Lumpectomy

I am having a lumpectomy and lymph glands removed in a couple of weeks but I am unsure what I wear after. I have a large bust so straight after the op I go back to bras of what else? Any advice is very gratefully received. The breast nurse at the hospital are useless.

 I used the total support ones from M&S as they are the only ones that I could find that fitted (they go up to a K cup), I went back to wired bras within a few weeks of surgery. However I had to alternate between two of those pull on bras (one is not enough if you have large breasts!) and non wired bras following radiotherapy.

Hi Iolanthe,I had a lumpectomy and mammoplasty with lymph node removal a year ago.  The advice I was given was to get soft sports bras - with proper cups to separate the breasts, not the vest type which would just flatten.  I was a 34G before my op but the BC nurse was very helpful - and accurate - in judging what my new size would be (34DD) so I could get the right size to take into hospital with me.  I found some for £6 in Tesco and wore them day and night for several weeks (can’t remember exact time) and didn’t get properly measured (John Lewis) for underwired ones until after RT.  Hope this info helps - and all the best with the treatment.  It all goes by in a bit of a blur but you’ll get there.

Hello Lolanthe,

Like the other ladies have said a good, soft sports bra which has separate cups is the way to go. A bigger size to what you normally wear is ideal because you will have some post-op swelling.

I went to Bravissimo pre-op to use their measuring service and the lady was very helpful. Got a fabulous soft sports bra with separate cups. A bit pricey but it was immensely comfortable and kept my boobs from moving around while healing. It was well worth the money and easy to sleep in for a few weeks.

Also, purchased a soft sports bra from M&S which was good but, personally, not as comfy as the Bravissimo.

I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy like you.

Good luck for your operation in two weeks. You’ll be fine and so relieved to have got rid of the nasty ******!

M x

Hi All


I had a lumpectomy & sentinal lymph nodes removed on 10 December.  I initially went to M&S but the underwear they sent me away with made me cry.  I then went to a local specialist bra shop who recommended a front fastening bra - it was like a cropped top but with 5 fasteners.  I wore it 24/7 for the first couple of weeks and I found it really good.  I then progressed into some non-wired, non lacy, no seamed bra’s from M&S.  Am now 4.5 months post surgery and now back in my usual underwired lacies which is a real treat.  I burnt very badly during radiotherapy and I lost many layers of skin when I pealed - the good thing being the scar tissue pealed too and the scars are barely visible now. 


Good luck with your treatment - be kind to yourself, get angry & kick a cushion when it helps but overall try & stay positive.  It got me through and I’m largely back to being me again :slight_smile:

Hi to Lolanthe/ everyone   so sorry to hear that you dont think your BCN are much good, I must say mine were there whenever.   I think you will have had your op by now hope you are ok,my advice might be a bit late but not been on here for ages. feel free to ask.   I had a lumpectomy and sentinol node biopsy in June 2015 followed by 15 Rads.  Unlike some ladies/men I have been very lucky - fingers crossed.   I feel fine only side effects from Rads was tiredness, breast was a little pink/ sore to the touch but not until about 12th session. I did peel a little underneath breast and was told not to use the creams, keep as dry as poss and will clear up, it did.

About the bras!  Ididnt know what to get and read lots of posts on here, I went to M&S told the assistant what I was looking for and she said they had a range of “post Surgery” bras-   not as pretty as I liked and usually wore underwired (38D) but you are not on a fashion parade you have to look after yourself and wear what right for you- the ones I got were non-wired a cotton material, slightly padded and had room for any additions that you might have needed, pretty tiny flower pattern, I tried a size larger but for me there was no need. I got myself some very soft crop tops, deffinately get size bigger or two and they were comfortable in day and for sleeping.  I was so much more comfortable than trying to still get in my own bras.  I also found that when bust was sore underneath I put a piece of soft dressing or even very clean fabric underneath and made it easier.

Months on I have maybe lost 1/4 of left breast changed underwear size and alll is ok.


Hope all go on ok.