
Silly question, has anyone got any idea when it is ok to start wearing under wired bra’s again? was told not to wear them but, not when you can start.

I’m 5 wks post op and went for a bra fitting yesterday as my old bras no longer fit. The fitter was 7 yrs clear of breast cancer and told me she had never been able to go back to underwired bras. However she did manage to sort me out with a Triumph bra that works just as well as my old underwired ones. Unfortunately I still struggle to wear one all day and can’t wait to take it off in the evening.

I think it is more about comfort and wire’s pressing on your scar/chest wall, rather than any medical reason. There is some thought that an underwired bra will prevent good lymphatic drainage and therefore should be avoided, but I’ve just read a Scientific American article which says that isn’t true.

I have chucked all mine out, but I know some websites that sell post surgery bras with wires ( for example) so they are out there…

Thanks for that Flora, there is good information on that site.
Carole x

Hi Carole,
I had a mastectomy nearly two years ago and initially throw out all my ‘normal’ bras and bought some of the post surgery range from M&S. After rads wearing anything for a long time hurt against my chest and like maggie I used to get home and immediately take it off.
Now two years down the line I have about 3 post surgery bras but the rest are ‘normal’ and mostly underwiresd as I am 34a and need all the uplift I can get.
I also now own more bras in a variety of colurs with one breast than I ever did with two. You just have to be careful in ‘normal’ bras with the prosthesis, I lost one when out rambling …but thats another story.
M&S have developed their range over the last couple of years and now do an underwired post surgery one for £8 which might be worth looking at

All the best
M x

Hi Carole again!
Did you have masec or lumpect? Think chemo brain has affected my memory!
Glad you are recovering from 3rd FEC - back to normal here but expecting this session to be a bit worse - are you?
karen xx

The M&S black underwired pocketed bra is great. It’s officially my favourite and only wish they did it in other colours. I am 40DD so my one boob needs all the scafolding it can get. Also my prosthesis sits lovely in it. Infact when I went for my prosthesis fitting the fitter was so impressed with the cut, fit etc she thought it was one of the more expensive ones, think it cost just over £10.