Breast Cancer Art Project

Hello all, I’m new here but I wanted to share with you a new project I started just a few weeks ago, the Breast Cancer Art Project -


It’s a place for those affected by breast cancer to express themselves through the power of art. 

It’s all free and web-based, you just submit your creations online. You really don’t need to be arty! Photography, writing, poetry etc all welcome too, in additon to painting and drawings. If you can make a mark or write a word, you can create! I’ve included some simple arty photos I’ve taken of my reconstruction and eye lashes!


Even if you don’t want to contribute, you may benefit from seeing the artwork of others, as they may capture some of what you’re going through too. There’s some fantastic pieces already! It can also be helpful for family and friends to understand our experiences. 


I hope you like the project, and please do share around - it would be great to see it take off, and hopefully help those who have been through the crappiness that is breast cancer. I’m only a month post LD Flap reconstruction so I know it all too well. 


We are on Facebook, Twitterand Instagramtoo


Much love.

Hope you get some interest Adi.