Breast pain and discharge



I am 35 years old, and over the last month so have had a small amount of discharge from my left nipple, over the last week or so, it’s also very itchy, went to GP and got referred to Breast Clinic 2 weeks ago, Hospital lost the fax and got fast tracked yesterday, with appointment next Thursday, feeling strange go from worried to calm.  I had a lump removed 10 years ago from Right boob, it was fine just a fatty lump.  I have lumpy boobs so I have been down this road 2 years ago and it was ok, but I am really worried this time.


I know everyone is different, but did anyone have this kind of issue?


This time I am worried, the boob feels strange, like when your breast feeding and it tangles and just feels odd. 


Sorry to bumble on, but don’t like to worry family members to much.  Thanks for listeningxx

Hi shelly79

While you are waiting for some replies to your post you might also find it helpful to give our Helpline a call to talk things over.  They’ll be able to offer you information and support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


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Hi, had appointment consultant very good said yes something going on in left breast sent me for mammogram and wants ultrasound, however he said they can only do a number of mammogram in day and when I got there at 4pm no more possible now got to wait for one :(, just want to know whats going on? has anyone else had this? anway update when I know more thanks for supportx

So feeling very upset, called radiology today and told I would get appointment by end of week. I know not long but if my consultant appt would of been am not pm I wouldn’t of had to wait. boob is painful and itchy, and feels swollen. rant over sorry.

I’m the same shelly. I just want it all to be over with and know what’s going on. I phoned ultrasound yesterday and they told me the first appointment they could offer me was the 2nd of March! My consultant said I wouldn’t wait any longer than a few days. It’s infuriating.

Hi kess, got letter yesterday, mammogram booked for 2nd march and ultrasound 4th march so back to waiting but not long.

Hi, me again, why is it some days it just uncomfortable and others really painful and so itchy I could just tear at my breast? so got mammogram monday, if they do see anything will they speak to me then or wait for my ultrasound on Wednesday? Feeling so tired with stress of waiting but the support on here is do great as you know others are feeling thesame way and understand the feeling of being calm one minute and worried stupid the next. xx

Hi kess, had mammogram got ultrasound Wednesday afternoon, hopefully know more than xx

Thanks kess, hope so, but just want know now really. will update tomorrowx

so had ultrasound, she said no lumps but ducts enlarged, have to wait to hear from consultant now.

I know, they said a couple of days :frowning: just want to know whats going on, how are you?

Hi kess, glad all is well with you, I go from feeling calm to worried. I called breast clinic today and left a message so hope to spenk to someone tomorrow. my left breast is really heavy, painful and is discharge:(( iit’s my birthday tomorrow so hope fir good newsx

Glad you got the all clear. Frustrating when something is still not right though. I know that feeling as when I got given the all clear 2 weeks ago after mammogram and ultrasound I found myself still thinking why are my breasts like this then?? Just so confusing and upsetting isnt it x

so here I am, still no change after infection tablets and tablets for stopping breast feeding to see if that worked, it didn’t. so gp has re referred me back to breast clinic again:(
had abit of coloured discharge now and still painful. just wondered if anyone else had this and what happened? I would like them to ultrasound the whole breast this time not just the nipple.
I don’t feel nervous just frustrated. thanks for listeningx

Thanks Kess, just so crazy really. I will ask more questions, I want s biopsy really to make sure nothing bad is going on in the ducts. Gp said to ask for one this time and ultrasound of whole breast not just nipple.x