Breast reconstruction

Hi, i underwent a total mastectomy in June for DCIS. Had a tissue expander inserted and fat liposuction. At the time i was happy with the way the reconstruction was going. Size looked good and matched my existing breast. The tissue expander was removed in December and replaced with a saline/silicone implant. When i looked at the result i was very disappointed. The implant is sitting too high and there is not enough projection. On returning to the Cons in January i was told that it wasn’t a ‘bad job’ and would never be perfect. Allow the swelling to go down and return in Feb. I appreciate that it will never be 100% but would like the breasts to be the same size which i cannont achieve without still using a softie. I have now been to hospital today and have been given the option of removing the implant and replacing with a ‘Natrelle’ silicone implant, but this will not give me the projection needed to match my existing breast, or i can keep the existing implant in and have liposuction to achieve the projection. But the existing implant is very uncomfortable.The Natrelle implant will not be so wide, 1cm less, also with less projection. But, this could hopefully be rectified with fat liposuction. I could have a TRAM  flap but this is a major operation which i would rather avoid.

The Cons has left me to make the decision as he fears if it is not up to my expectations i will be more disappointed. Could anybody advise me on the Natrelle implants and are they happy with them. What would you do, am i justified in wanting it right?

Help!!! Sorry to go on so much,

Hi Doobie and welcome to the BCC forums

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Best wishes
Lucy BCC

hi Doobie, sorry I can’t help about the natrelle implant cos I have a mentor med profile. It too has no projection, but after a year I now feel it is part of me.

How are you getting on? I hope you have some answers and all is going well :slight_smile:

x x