Breast swelling and lumps plus pain in shoulder


Got an emergency refferal within 10 days to the breast clinic. Terrified that this is the one you know. Appointment Tuesday and bricking it as it different to the others. Got mega pain in my shoulder, huge mass on left breast and it feels different to the other lumps that I’ve had.

It’s swollen too. Went down the anti flammatories  route and nothing apart from growing. I’ve had biopsie before for lumps but this feels wrong. Really scared.  Almost like I know what it is already? 

Apologise for rant xxx

Dear Hellkat

Sorry that you have not recieved any replies as yet, hopefully someone will respond very soon.  In the meantime please do give our Support line a call, 0808 800 6000.  I hope your appointment today goes well.

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer