CT Scan result waiting

I had a CT Scan on Weds to check my organs that there isn’t any secondary spread. I was told they would discuss results at the MDT meeting on Friday morning and should be able to let me know this afternoon. I haven’t heard anything and am not fearing the worse. Usually the BN will phone me if she’s allowed to pass on information but she hasn’t. I now have to wait two days before I can speak to anyone and chase results, I feel sick and really scared, I don’t want to feel like this. Sorry I just want some good news and no news makes me think it’s bad news. How do people cope with this waiting. I’m convinced myself now it has spread :frowning: sorry for the negative post on a Friday xx

Hi Millasmummy

Im sorry you had to join us x I cant tell you not to worry but I can say that worrying wont change anything apart from making you feel worse than you already do so till you get your results you need to keep pulling yourself to the here and now and the only thoughts of the future you should have are that holiday you are taking when your all done with treatment .

To help I will share my story, I am 37 and was diagnosed lasr October I had her2+ lump of 7.5-8cms and another in my lymph nodes so I had CT scans last October and was where you are now and even with both of those large lumps my CT scan was clear so yours very likely will be too x

Hi Millasmummy.
I was in the same situation a couple of weeks ago. I was told I needed to have a ct scan and bone scan before I went to Christies last week on the 8th. I left it a week on the advice of my bc nurse and had not heard a thing. I rang the hospital a couple of times to find out what was going on, only to be told that my scans had not been booked. I then had to wait longer to get them done.
Luckily a nurse was able to get them booked the weekend before I had my first appointment at Christies. The results for my ct scan were clear but I still don’t know the results of the bone scan. I’m sure that if there was anything to worry about they would have been in touch. They have a duty of care and would ring you if they needed to see you about anything.
Hope this helps.
Sonya xx

Thanks Sonya and JenJen. X