Cancer blog

I am posting this on behalf of Su
Best wishes

I 'm not sure if this would be of interest to you or all the lovely ladies on this site but when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2008 I started a blog. Mainly for my own purposes and to empty my mind of worries. It also kept many friends informed and saved such a lot of time on the phone. For Breast Cancer awareness month the local paper took it up and ran it and it has been running since on under the banner of The Bald Woman’s Blog. It is a no holds barred story of my diagnosis, treatment and my ongoing life and how I felt, how it affected my life and my mind. I do not want to post “myself” but wondered if my story would help anyone else. That’s what it was written for. As far as I am concerned, the more shared the better.
Best wishes.

I’ve just spent the last hour reading this Su - a big thank you.

Although I was diagnosed and treated in 2005, it’s put so many thoughts I had into ‘reality’ and made me feel that it wasn’t just me going mad!

I’m sure a lot of ladies on here going through this now will be comforted to read it. I wish something like it had been around at the time.

I will certainly follow it through, as it helps me to understand the thoughts I had, and to a certain extent still do have.

Thank you.

Keep well, love Caz xxx

I’ve found keeping my blog really useful for many different reasons. As you say, it stops repetive phone calls and keeps others informed of what is going on and how you are feeling. One of my friends is a matron of a hospice but has never worked in a chemo unit so has found what I have written about my chemo experiences useful.
My blog is not for the newly diagnosed as I am reaching the end of my treatment options and have a particularly aggressive bc so I would strongly recommend that you don’t read it if you are newly diagnosed as it shows what can happen in nearly 4 years if you are unlucky enough to have a very aggressive bc.
I think most people who use the secondary forum are aware of my blog but if you want to know what living with secondaries can be like or like me are fast approaching the end then the address is
I wonder what we did without the internet as I’m sure what I’ve learnt from the forums in particular but also from the ask the nurse service here has kept me alive.

Su - too late for me to read tonight but will read yours and hope you are keeping well and hopefully approaching the end of your treatment now - I’ll find out when I read it won’t I.
Thanks for sharing this

I also have a blog…but try to make it a bit different…my focus and interest is in challenging myths and stereotypes about having cancer. I hope that anyone who despairs at ‘fighting’ talk, thinking positive and pink propoganda might find something which speaks to their experience and if not, well it helps me to write!


I found Su’s blog fascinating,she writes well and puts into words feelings which most of us will recognise.
Good Luck Su

I have a blog
I find it very therapeutic to write out my thoughts and feelings. Also its a good way to let people know my news without having to be on the phone all the time
Already read Kates but will be reading Janes and Su’s

Hi Jools

Just had a browse of yours…thank you.

There are so many of us blogging away in cyber space.

Jane x