Changes in hair when taking tamoxifen

Changes in hair when taking tamoxifen

Changes in hair when taking tamoxifen Has anyone else noticed a real change in their hair while on tamoxifen. I used to have really thick, lots of body, fairly course hair and I have been on tamoxifen for three months and it has become fine, limp and no body. Bad enough I have no boobs, radiated motley skin on my chest , now my hair looks like crap too. Sorry for the vent but sometimes you just have to.

Hi since being on tamoxifen and zoladex my hair looks like crap too. Very, very dry and brittle !!! I console myself by saying at least I have my hair back now although of course I would like it to be shiny like it once was. My hairdresser recommended me to use a leave in conditioner once a week, I have still to try this though.

hair Hi there
I am also on tamoxifen and zoladex - only 1 more left hopefully - where did those 2 years go!

I’ve notice my hair has changed too. It seems more porous - I can’t use too much conditioner or mousse or it looks lank and greasy. It’s also lost some of its curl. I put it down to the menopausal symptoms and the drugs.

take care


been on it nearly a year now and it is still very curly and soft.

I am on Tamoxifen and my hair looks so thin and is falling out I feel like stopping the treatment as I have not got much going for me, but was always proud of my hair.

Val. XXXX.

I have been Tamoxifen since November and although my hair has grown back curly I can’t really see any difference in the texture or amount of it.

Saying that I have always had quite thick hair and therefore maybe haven’t noticed if it’s thinner…if you understand that??
