Checking In

Hi ladies
Ladybird checking in! Reading this thread is so very informative, we’ve learnt so much more on here than from other sources.
My wife Ladybird goes for her ct scan this week at Christie to see if the Letrazole is still working. She’s not looking forward to the flavoured drink beforehand! What’s your favourite flavour?
Her main problem is leg pain but she has suffered with sciatica for years so the cause is blurred.
Interesting that Letrozole causes tiredness as we both suffer from this and thought it was our age (72)! Thanks again for the opportunity to chat.

Hiya …have replied on the bone Mets thread.

I’ve also replied on the bone mets thread.
Janette x

Hi Chris,

i just wanted to mention that you can ask for a more watery drink before the CT scan, instead of the thick gloopy one. They always let me have it, but not sure if it depends which organs they’re looking at. Worth a try anyway. 

yeah, I’m afraid none of us is getting any younger or more energetic!
