
Hi Ladies


I am new to this forum, I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with stage 1 breast cancer.  At my last appointment I was told my lump was quite big 5cm X 5cm and would need a mastectomy alternatively take tamoxifen and hope the size reduces to allow for a lumpectomy.


We opted to try the tablets in the first instance as I have nothing to lose from trying, other than delaying the process - I can however change my mind at any point.


I would just like to know if anyone has had any success with this?





Just wanted to welcome you to the forum it is a wonderful place with lots of help and support to ladies on this journey.  I am sure that one of the ladies on here will reply to your specific question shortly.


Helena x

Hi GingerBun.  I’ve noticed browsing the threads on Hormone Treatment there are lots of ladies doing different things with drugs - just wondered whether you might find someone with some experience of this there?  They may not visit the Surgery area much.  Best of luck!