Diagnosed 31/8/16 had surgery, waiting for chemo

  • I was diagnosed with cancer after a biopsy on a swollen lymph node.   Mammogram and ultrasound didn’t show anything so had MRI and CT scan which showed breast cancer lump 38mm. I had surgery to remove the lump and lymph node clearance 22/09/2016 - 12 of the 21 lymph nodes had cancer in them. My cancer is triple negative so I am hoping chemo will be effective.  I went to hospital on Monday to discuss chemo but was told the cancer was grade 3 aggressive and that I would need another CT scan to check whether the cancer has spread before any treatment. I am now going out of my mind worrying that the cancer has spread. I’ve got my CT scan on Sunday 23/10/16 but I only get the results on 3rd November so  a while to wait. 

I am hoping that the fact 9 of the lymph nodes were clear is a good sign and that it won’t have spread. 

I’m sure there are some people out there who have been through a similar position to me and it would be helpful if I could hear a success story. 

Hi there DJroo,


oh dear, Im so sorry youve been having such a worrying time. I understand your worries. I was diagnosed in 2001 and remained cancer free( apparently) for about 10 years. Spread is something we all dread. 

If it helps,my lymph nodes were 12/13 cancerous and it had spread to my armpit…even so, I was cancer free for 10 years! I did go out of my mind worrying about it, 


i hope you get the very best news from your CT. I had an MRI today( well yesterday 22/10. ) I get my results on Wednesday when I see the onc…is there any way, you can be seen sooner? You could ring and chat with the bcn nurse on Monday about that.


if not, try to just take each day as it comes till then. Do come back and share your worries here, because we are all here for each other and there are lots of lovely ladies here who will support youxx

.love and hugs,

