Diagnosed last week

I have moved up from the “have I got” forum to join you wonderful people in this forum. I had WLE and SNB on Thursday this week. I thought I would feel much better than I do!! My consultant is quite confident that I will hopefully need a pre cautionary course of radiotherapy. I didnt digest an awful lot of what she actually said after the words “it is a cancerous lump” my husband, luckily, fired lots of questions.I find myself unable to sleep and still extremely emotional. My follow up appointment to get full test results isn’t until the 6th march.
This site is like a little life line as I quite often find myself reading various threads in the early hours x

Hi netballnut
so sorry you find yourself here, as you are aware already, this site is just fab and was my lifeline too when I was diagnosed 13 months ago. I was 43 with a 4 year old daughter on diagnosis, terrified doesn’t come close. i had a WLE and snb, unfortunately this showed a tiny spec of cancer on my sentinel node that was too small to show on a scan, therefore I had further surgery for an axillary node clearance, the remaining nodes were thankfully clear. You really are in the worse possible place at the minute, the waiting room, but once your results are in and you have a treatment plan you’ll feel more relaxed and more in control. One thing I would say is that keep an open mind about treatment, in my experience surgeons seem to tell a lot of people they’ll “only need radiotherapy” when they can’t possibly know until the full pathology is in, I was told the same but my nurse told me to disregard it as he really didnt know at that stage. my oncologist told me I was borderline for chemo as my tumour was a small grade 2, I chose to have it, I’m happy I threw everything at it and have done as much as I can, the rest is outside of my control.
Take care
Lydia x

Hi netballnut,
sorry, just realised this is dcis and not an invasive cancer, unless any invasive cells are found you will probably only need radiotherapy x

It is IDC so I believe it is invasive but got everything crossed that its not invaded!!! Have also just realised that I probably shouldn’t have posted in this particular forum. Apologies, my brain is just not working properly. Thanks anyway chascat, how are you now? X

Hi netballnut, yes idc is an invasive cancer. I’m well now, finished chemo in July and radio in September, back to work November, things are slowly getting back to normal - and I have a decent amount of hair now too x

Hi Netballnut… I don’t think it matters where you post - anywhere I think is OK. It is horrid for you that you don’t feel as good as you hoped you would over all this ‘business’. It’s very easy to get everything mixed up… I am from a medical background and even I got wired-crossed and had myself with a different diagnosis from the one that was given me… it all gets very confusing plus some things just go over your head. I remembered the BC nurse’s name incorrectly and the place I was supposed to go for the wire placement pre-op as somewhere else. Fortunately, like you, I had someone with me who could also remember half of what was said - so between us we remembered almost all of it… I also had to wait an age for my full biopsy results but it was quite useful in that i was totally genned up by the time I went - from reading up as much as I could. This site was excellent for most of the info - plus I did look up some medical pepers.
I know there are lots of people who read - but haven’t yet posted. I read for about 2-3 weeks before I dived in. I begin radiotherapy (post WLE) on Monday for 3 weeks. My routine mammogram was 13th October - I’ve just realised - so it’s been 4 months+ of appts/treatment so far. I’ve been very well so can’t complain.

Unusual name Netballnut, don’t suppose you play netball. Hi there, I too like you was in that waiting room, which got delayed because the pathologist were too busy to do mine one week, so with just a week to go, they put it back, just to make me squirm a bit more, but fantastic results, all clear, going to meet the oncologist tomorrow to plan radiotherapy. I was diagnosed 12-12-12, a date to remember. but am glad to get back to work. My arm is not brilliant, but BCN says give it time. I am too impatient, want to get back to playing netball, working properly, and have a good old pillow fight if I want. Good luck with your results. :slight_smile:
Take care Jane XX