Diagnosed straight away before results

My mum was called back for a stage 2 screening, we went, she had an ultrasound the doctor came in and said that he looked at the Mammogram and said that they was a small lump he exmanied my mum and said he couldn’t feel it but it was there. Then the radiogragher came in and decided to do a core biopsy. Then told to go into the room to talk to the doctor. When the doctor came in with the breast care nurse we knew it wasn’t good the doctor said it was cancer and because my mum has had heart attacks in the past she can’t had a Lumpectomy. Next week we get the results and she starts chemo tablets. wehave spoke to people we know with cancer and other doctors and they all said that they haven’t know the doctor to tell you before the results are back.
Is they any one out they that can help please???
does this mean that it is Invasive cancer ???


My doctor told me he thought it was cancer when she took the biopsy, before the results and she was right.

I don’t think they would put you in that position unless they were pretty certain.


The doctor at the breast clinic told me it was cancer after only doing an ultra sound.

Same for me too. Although in my case they said they couldn’t say for certain until the results came back but that it ‘probably’ was cancer. And sure enough it was. And, for me, while the wait for comfirmation was still horrible, actually being told I had cancer once the results were back was not as big a shock as it could have been.

D x

I was told before the results were back that it was cancer. They can usually tell from the ultrasound and the mammo that it is cancerous, where the results of these two tests make it very suspicious for malignancy. The biopsy will confirm the type and grade of cancer.
I am sorry you have received such bad news.

Hello, I was told on the day at the one stop clinic.
I understand from what I have read on this forum that after ultrasound etc they have 5 scenarios; definitely cancer, probably cancer, 50/50, probably not, definitely not. I was told on the day to decide during the following week whether I wanted lumpectomy and radiotherapy or mastectomy so that they could book the op when I went back for confirming results the following week.
It is such a worrying time. I am sure you will be a big support to your mum.
Stella x


First off, I am so sorry to hear that your Mum has had this experience, I know first hand how upsetting this is, I am sure you are a wonderful support to her at this time.

I was recalled for a further scan and ultrasound after a routine mammogram. The letter said not to be concerned and as I was not aware of a lump or any other symptoms I didn’t feel too worried. However, as soon as the ultrasound was over the doctor looked me in the eye and told me I had breast cancer and it had probably spread to lymph nodes.

The shock was immense and I’ll never forget the routine, text book way she broke the news to me (I have reported this). Doctor then did core biopsy and I had to wait another week before confirmation.

On a positive note, the treatment started very quickly afterwards - I had a lumpectomy, lymph node removal (only 1 affected) and removal of a DCIS. Surgeon said not to blame myself as it would have been difficult to feel them. I’m now almost through chemo and this only started in December.

All the best to your Mum.

Yes, I was told by the radiology consultant that it was cancer when the mammogram and ultrasound were done and he was absolutely correct. The biopsy results just confirmed this a couple of days later.

Sorry to hear about your mum, I was also told at my first visit inbetween the mammogram and the biopsy the doctor said it was a classic example. I was devastated at the time but now after a mx and chemotherapy and a diagnosis of liver mets I have finally got my head round it. BC is doable and the treatments have a good chance of working well. Your mum will find lots of support on these forums when she is ready.

Hi Karenj
I had had mammogram and ultra sound then Consultant radiographer came in to do needle biopsy. He just said " If I was a betting man I’d put money on this being cancer." It was a bit of a shock and I came out to face my daughter and tell her I was fine and that I would get the results in a week. I had a week to get my head round it and when I was told it was BC I was quite calm.
Six years clear now and I’ll always be grateful he told me.
Good Luck

Hi, I was told on the day I went and had a mamo then an ultrasound/biopsy, I could see on the screen the dark mass and asked the dr was it a cyst she told me no and then after that we went to the Dr’s room and the BCN came in and they told me they could not confirm it until they had the results but that it looked nasty, meaning cancer. So sorry your mum is going through this, sounds like they have caught it early and are getting on sorting out a treatment plan, she will feel better when she has a plan in place.
sending Love and light to you and your mum
sarahlousie xx

Hallo Karen,
I am so sorry, it is a very difficult time for your Mum and all of you who love her.
Another one here that was told at the recall appointment after the repeat mammograms that there was a suspicious area on the mammograms, that ultrasound and biopsy were required. After the ultrasound, the Consultant Radiologist (who is the head of breast screening in the area) told me straight that it was cancer but that the lymph nodes looked clear to ultrasound, and that she would introduce me to the Breast Surgeon who would see me with the results the following week. They spoke immediately of a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy, and chemotherapy if indicated.

Regarding your Mum they need to have the biopsy result to confirm it, and to know what type and grade the cancer is. Here are two links to other pages on this website that may be helpful to you just now.
All this website is good. One of the main rules we say to people just beginning is DO NOT GOOGLE! Googled stuff may be out of date or not medical in origin.
A second rule is There is No Such Thing as a Stupid Question. If you do not know the answer, ask, or you will not learn, and understanding helps us.
A third idea is to phone the Helpline, they are really helpful, knowledeable and kind.



After the second appointment they should know much more about your Mum’s diagnosis, but usually they do not work out the treatment completely until after further tests and possibly surgery other than the biopsy.

Could you ask the Breast Care Team to discuss your Mum’s treatment plan with her cardiologists to see if surgery might be considered?
I have lung problems and although the specialists involved were all in different hospitals, they spoke to each other and agreed a plan of short anaesthetic for surgery (mastectomy but no reconstruction), no radiotherapy, and that I was fit enough for chemotherapy.
It felt much better when there was a plan and treatment was started than it did at the beginning, honest!

Your Mum is lucky to have you there to help her
Love to you both