Diep Flap Reconstruction

Hi ladies I am having a Diep Flap Reconstruction Friday and very nervous and would appreciate any help/tips to help make things easier through recovery. Thanks x

Look at the list of what to take  into hospital at he top.

make sure you have a pillow to have in front of you to protect you from seat belt in car. 

Have you had surgery before?

Nothing can take the nerves and anxiety away.

All the best…you will get lots of answers here…

A big op…and be kind to yourself,and go by the instructions nurses and  physios give you.No heroics,no medals for overdoing it.Take all pain relief offered…

Thanks Jillybee my first op was my sentinel lymph node biopsy. I will definetely take a pillow.thanks

Hi Jillybee my first ever op was my sentinel lymph node biopsy so this only being my 2nd is a bit unnerving.thanks for the pillow advice I will do that.thanks

Wow you have been through it and I suppose being a nurse you have seen it from the otherside xx