EEK having gone through chemo, lumpectomy I may now need mastectomy

Feeling a bit at sea,
Additional Tumours found iafter surgey HER2+ Eost - but gone , due to chemo etc but they are still talking mastectomy.
What questions do I need to ask, I really really don’t want this if I can help it. Asked to see all parties and not just the surgeon, but are there any other tests they should do?



What surgery did you have and before or after chemo? In what terms have they said all cancer gone, did you get clear margins?



Yes,they have,as mentioned,MDTs and discuss all aspects of your care.Seeing other profefessionals in the team,they would refer you back to your surgeon.Why do you not want a mastectomy??althogh can understand your feelings,but if it means the cancer going ,I would consider it.A mastectomy would not be offered unless it was deemed necessary.Maybe talk to a BCN about your fears,and if mastectomy is the way forward discuss recon.keep us posted.x