ESA / Disability Living Allowance


Does anyone know how long you can claim ESA when you have resigned from your job because you cannot return due to fatigue, ill health due to cancer? When are you sent the capability assessment form? And does this mean you cannot claim Jobseekers Allowance because you are not yet ready to return to work at the present time but expect to at a later date when you are fit and ready?

My medical certificate runs out soon, so do you think my doctor will provide another one to send to the DWP to still keep claiming ESA?

A lot of questions, I’d be interested in other peoples experiences. By the way I got turned down for Disability Living Allowance like many of you ladies on the forum… I can walk slowly and from my answers they said I expect to improve amongst other replies I gave…Not fair is it when you think how many fraudulant claims are made!


Good questions there, Hamlet.

Firstly I’m sure your GP will continue to support you however s/he can, if you’re not fit to work they are usually very happy to say so. Cancer is hardly swinging the lead, is it?!

As regards the DWP, they seem to make up the rules as they go along or so it seems, but my guess would be that the only reason not to claim JSA as being available for work is that you aren’t really well enough, but if they say you’re not bad enough to get DLA then they reckon you are probably fit to work, so why not give it a go? The fact that you may get rejected at interview stage (if you get that far) is another matter, but not their business and not your fault although it might knock your confidence a bit. Post a note on the mirror and read it every morning “I should not have to be doing this”

I’d also say to get in touch with Macmillan, they are very hot on benefits and helping you get what you are entitled to, apparently lots of genuinely ill people fail the ESA assessments first time around but as soon as MacM go with you to appeal, they’re then much more likely to get what they should (scroungers excepted of course!)

Lots of luck.

Hello ladies,

This is quite a worry and it really should not be a concern we have enough on our plates as it is! I am in receipt of DLA but was only granted it for 1 year and they did not take the form my Dr filled in DS15000 into consideration they said that they did not think it was appropriate at the time!!! I have multiple lung mets and have experienced a variety of problems which include coughs, breathing, weird pains in the chest, apart from the obvious emotional/nervey problems I face daily living with the knowledge that I have it on my lungs.

Before dx I was made redundant, I have applied for jobs over the past year as soon as I tell them my dx people just don’t want to take it any further, they are put off by the secondaries, which is understandable, new employers might think that I would need extra time off going to hospital and Drs appt and they would be right, given the choice of a healthy person and me who are they going to choose? who’s gonna employ me now???

Hymil - I agree with you and the advice to just apply for the JSA taking into consideration the points I have outlined above.

Hamlet - I would appeal against there decision for DLA and get some help filling the form in with a macmillan advisor and remember you need to write what your worst days are like.

I believe we should be entitled to this benefit as I probably wont be around to receive the state pension I have been paying into and have always paid my way, I have just received my forms to fill in DLA and feel physically ill thinking about it, we’ve been through enough and now the benefits agency want to make our lives hell again.

So sorry for the strife this is causing you and really hope all goes well for you as regards this matter.
Take care
Love and light
sarahlouise xx

Just to re-iterate the advice to consult MacMillan. They have dedicated experts on benefits and the financial impact of cancer. They were very helpful when I rang a while ago about ESA.

Unfortunately Hamlet I knew of somebody who had his arms affected by the drug thalidomide and he was unable to claim DLA as his legs were unaffected - it’s a cock-eyed world that we live in!

Dear Ladies

Thanks for your replies. Oh my God Mazzalou, what a shame for your friend affected by thalidomide! It’s definetly crazy how they assess each persons case. Just makes me wonder how when you see videos of these scourgers dancing when they have quite happily claimed benefits.


Hi Hamlet,
I have several major health problems, including a permanent ostomy, apart from the cancer. I was turned down for DLA twice. The Macmillan advisor is supporting me to take it to a tribunal, even though its not about the cancer(applied before cancer was dx). She is absolutely brilliant. However, tribunals are taking up to 18 months atm. Because they are turning most people down, there are many more appeals having to be heard. However if you win you get it backdated to the orignal claim date. Its a hell of a time to wait though - we need it now!


Esa now can only claim max for 1 year and as ive been on it longer. My help stops end of april :(.As my husband works there is no help at all for me.Im hoping to get back to work once this 85 year old women moves out of my joints :frowning: just seems unfair that 1 year max of help.

I couldn’t claim a penny so went back to work. Hasn’t been a problem at all.

Just to follow up on my earlier post. This week the DWP reversed their decision and awarded me DLA - and Im sure it was due to Macmillan getting involved.I dont need to wait for the tribunal after all. SO definitely get help from Macmillan - it works!
