Eating Pomegranates


Can recommended this book written by a friend. We have a few things in common including that our mothers died aged 42 and we both carry a BRCA mutation. We’ve got nice things in common too!

On woman’s hour yesterday the author was interviewed - worthwhile to Listen Again or download the podcast.


Hi D…I’ve just received this book in the post after reading an article, I think, in the Telegraph…was drawn to the book as I lost my Mum to ovarian cancer and although I don’t have either BRCA gene we are a ‘high risk’ family. Hope to start it this weekend…also sent you a PM…x

Hi Dahlia,
I heard the item on Woman’s Hour and thought it was very good and moving.I thought your friend came across extremely well and spoke very honestly and poignantly.
I’m going to try and get the book.
Anne x