Essiac Tea?


Just wondering if anyone has tried this herbal supplement and if they would share their experiences.


Hi Snoogle

Yes I have been using Essiac Tea for nearly a year now and find it okay. I read up about it and made a decision to give it a go.

Are you thinking of trying it?

Krissy x

Yes I am. But have heard conflicting reports regarding using it when having chemo so will speak to Oncologist about it in a couple of weeks. One of the precautions is about using it with a damaged liver and I have liver secondaries. But then virtually every conventional pill I am given carries the same precaution!

I am thinking of taking it more for the balancing body effect than dreaming that it could possibly afford a cure.

How have you found brewing it and taking it? Do you think that it has helped with your cancer itself or just with the side effects of the treatment for it?

Would love to hear from you so please PM me if you prefer to comment in private.


Hi there I’d be interested too as I’ve read a bit about it + a few people have suggesed I give it a go. Any info on where I could buy it would be great
thanks :slight_smile:
tina x

Hi Tina and Snoogle

Just letting you know I’ve sent a pm.

Take care

Krissy xx

The tea arrived this morning. Just got to check all is ok with my oncologist and then off to the chemist to get the bottles. Then for a brew!


Hi Snoogle

How did you get on with the brewing?

Krissy x

Haven’t brewed yet. Need to get hold of bottles to store the brew in in the fridge. Also, hope to discuss with oncologist on Tuesday and get his go ahead.

Will let you know how it goes.


Saw the oncologist today. As suspected he is happy for me to try the Essiac Tea and wants to know how i get on with it. His only proviso was getting the pharmacist to check it out for any interactions with my chemo regime. Pharmacist pointed out a few things to watch out for, but other than that will start taking it as soon as I manage to get a couple of suitable glass bottles to store made tea in.


Started the Essiac Tea last night. Early days yet.


Hi there

Glad you got the okay from your onc for the tea. I’ve just about finished another batch of it and ready to brew up the next lot. I can’t believe its been a year tomorrow since I was told the cancer had gone in to the lymph node and the horrible Christmas I subsequently had. What a difference this year!

Take care

Krissy x

Been taking it since Friday. Brewing was interesting, but then my 12 year old was helping, and I had both a urine and possible chest infection at the time.

Strangly, not so tired since chemo on Tuesday. Not sure if that is relative to the tea or the huge amount of antibiotics that I am taking at the moment.

Keeping an open mind, but to be honest if the reduction in fatigue is the only benefit then I will continue taking it.


Hi all,

I have been taking essiac for well over a year since being diagnosed with secondary BC and bone mets in spine and hip. My sis in law put me on to it. I think it adds to the ‘normal’ medication and am sure it helps in coping with the fatigue.
I buy from supplier in West Wales, we live in South Wales and it’s a perfect day out to go and pick it up - rather than get it posted - as it means a trip in glorious countryside and a walk on the beach.
Read all the blurb about it on the various websites, my doc makes no comment and it doesn’t interfer with the chemo so in my book that means it’s worth a try.


Hi Starry

Glad your finding it okay. I’m finding it works for me. I take other supplements too but I’m sure all combined together definitely helps me.

The trip out sounds great.

Take care

Krissi x