Experiencing weight loss with Tamoxifen

Just wonder if anyone has had the same experience as I have. I’ve been very lucky with my reactions to tamoxifen - not that much joint pain, and flushes fairly mild (apart from at night when I’m like a furnace!) BUT far from gaining weight, I’ve lost some. I’m steady weight-wise but it’s quite weird that everyone’s posting in about weight gain. I have a fast metabolism, but even so…
Trying not to worry about it. Seeing my oncologist regularly but if anyone’s had similar, I would be reassured to hear from them.


I was on Tamoxifen for 5 years and put on about 2 stone but since I stopped it and went on to Letrozole have lost the 2st and I am still losing weight, I look rather gaunt now and am trying to put some weight on without resorting to cakes etc to put it on! I gather from other posts this is not usual but there is one other lady who has lost weight whilst on Letrozole.

I know that it isn’t the same drug as Tamoxifen but wanted to say that it might be a possible side effect of Tamoxifen.

I am sure that you will get other posts regarding Tamoxifen.
