First Treatment

I’m new to this and a bit anxious. I had my first chemo treatment today of Taxol and Herceptin…12 weekly then Herceptin will continue every 3 weeks for a total of a year. I have been told a couple different things and know everyone is different but I just wish I knew if I am going to lose my hair or not. My doctor said I should plan on losing it but the nurses have said probably not because the weekly treatment are lower dose aren’t as harsh. I am waiting for the nausea to hit. Right now I am just a little tired and my stomach hurts so I did take the anti nausea meds to be safe. Just wish someone could tell me exactly what I can expect with my hair so I am prepared.

Hello Ram3


Can’t answer your query, sorry, but just wanted to wish you well. I am on the same treatment as you now but I had ECx3 before. Two weeks after starting this I lost most of my hair but still have eyebrows and eyelashes. I am expecting to lose the rest with the weekly Paclitaxol, based on what I have read. Having no hair is hard but not as difficult, for me, as I imagined. I wear nothing at home and hats/scarves when I go out. I have a good wig but just don’t like how hot and tickly it is. 


All the the best with your treatment.

Hi Ram3,


I was on a different regime - FEC and T. 3 weekly. The T part being one of the Taxol family.

My experience was that I lost most of my hair on FEC but it began to grow back on T.


I think that your medical staff are being negligent in not informing you of the risks of any medical treatment that you have.  How can we give an informed consent to a treatment if we don’t know what the risks are? Especially when you are getting mixed messages. 


They should be able to tell you what % of patients get hair loss on the weekly version. There should be published research on this.  If they don’t know they should find out and come back to you.


Maybe ring back and ask for an answer - i.e. % who lose their hair. If this is going to be a real problem then you could ask to use a cold cap. I used one, lost most of my hair but I still have enough on the sides to be able to pull it up and cover the bald patches.


It’s only fair that before undertaking any medical treatment you know the risks - it’s not good enough to be told one thing by one person and then another.



Hi Ram 3,

I wonder whether you may wish to join the September 2016 starters thread. It is a great place and most ladies posting have started their relevant regime at the same time.

This is a link to the thread:

Perhaps you could ask your question there? Someone may be on a similar regime as you.

It is also a great place for support - rants, raves, laughter and tears - as you move through your treatment.

Here is also a link to a publication from Breast Cancer Care with regards to Taxol -

It can be downloaded as a .pdf and I hope it is of some help.


Sue xx