First mammogram

Hi Ladies

First mammogram due week after next and feeling terrified! Convinced its going to be bad and that I will have to go through all this again!!

Also still feel abit tender even though finished radiotherapy end of last year. Does it hurt? Maybe take some painkillers before I go?

Panicking as usual!

Sue x



Sending you hug and will be thinking about you next week.  The ladies on the hormone therapy thread have been going through the same thing in the last couple of weeks as they have come up to their first year so they will know only too well what you are feeling.  I have to wait until April next year as my hospital has a policy that it is 18 months of after diagnosis for your first mammo.


I know one of the ladies on there was saying about taking paracetamol before the mammo itself and that it i helped


Helena xxx

Hello Sue, I’ve now had my second mammo - which I did not worry about at all! Very different to the first one last year when I  went completely haywire, so I know what you are feeling.  It’s very difficult to remain cool, calm and collected when we’ve received the unwanted news once, but would ask that you do try to think positively.  I really felt I was a complete numpty last year, and wish I’d given myself the talking to that I did this year. But I do think the first one takes us back to that awful time and we fear the worst.  This year I convinced myself that I was really glad to be having the mammo because, just in case something was wrong, I would be glad that it was found and deal with it, rather than being in ignorance.  I did take ibruprofen prior, and had absolutely no pain at all, just gentle squishing. Think the radiographers would listen carefully to you if you did say ouch as they know our history.  Ooh, now 6 weeks since mammo and I haven’t had letter yet, but kept pestering my PIFU contact (Patient Initiated Follow Up - ie no BCN!) who told me all was ok. 

Wishing you a quick and painfree squishing. :cathappy:xxx

Thanks ladies
It just brings it all back at this time of year. I was diagnosed on my daughter’s 16th birthday last year and with her 17th rapidly approaching, cant help but feel anxious. I’m terrible now with any x rays done, even at the dentist and opticians! I know with my sensible head on that its best to get check ups done sooner rather than later. But can’t help feeling abit tearful.
Thanks for listening xx

Thank you Charys x

Hi ladies
The reason why I’m worried is that on my good beast, I’m waking up with an inverted nipple. It has done this from time to time, but not to this extent. I can’t find a lump but really panicking now?