GP Says after palpation large lump benign

Hello All, I am 46. After finding a large lump (approx by touch size of flattened golf ball) in left breast this week (a shock of course) I saw a GP at my practice. He examined my breasts when I was laying down and felt my armpits also got me to sit up and put my hands on hips and looked at shape. My left breast is tender where the lump is and my shoulder feels slightly strange/tender/hot sometimes too.

Both my parents have cancer (kidney and prostate) and a great Aunt has breast cancer.

To my relief at the time he said cancerous lumps don’t cause pain and as there doesnt appear to be any great difference in shape (the left one is slightly bigger now but difference is minimal)that the lump is benign. He said if such a large lump were cancerous he would expect there to be puckering and affect armpit.

I have been told to monitor the lump and keep a diary for 2-3 months and go back. Then he will refer to breast clinic.

I was of course elated to hear the news its benign but I do worry at not having any form of test.

I appreciate those on here with cancer would swap with me and I know first hand with my parents about surgery, scans, waiting and ups and downs during cancer treatments. So apologies for still being worried, just wondered if anyone else had similar experience.




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June, moderator


It is understandable that you are relieved and also understandable that you are still worried.
If I were you, I would ask my GP to refer me to a breast clinic NOW and not to wait.


I agree with Julianna, I would insist on being referred to the breast clinic without delay. The GP may well be right, but Im sure you would much rather be told by an expert in lumps and bumps, who can definitely put your mind at rest.

Jayne x

Hi, you need to go back and get refered to breast clinic now. Your gp could be right but he may also be wrong. I’m sure you will be fine but please get it checked x

Hi, I agree with the above posters. The GP may well be right but they are not the experts in this so it would be best to get it evaluated at the breast clinic sooner rather than later. Really hope you get reassurance soon.


Hi Salsajen,
Please get a referal to the breast clinic. I first had a diagnosis nearly 5 years ago and at my 4 year check I asked my breast surgeon to check a lump. She said it ‘didn’t feel like cancer’, but ordered a scan anyway to be safe. It turned out to be 4cm invasive, grade 3 cancer! What I am saying is that if a breast cancer specialist cannot diagnose from feeling a lump who can?! Please go back and get a proper referal to be on the safe side.
Best wishes,

Hi Salsagen,

I’ve just read your post and it reminded me of a friend of mine. She also went to the doctors with a pea sized lump and was told it was nothing to worry about, so had no tests and no further appointments. She went back 12 months later as it had got bigger. It turned out it was breast cancer all along! She’s now having chemo and had a node strip as it had spread into her lymph nodes. So i also urge you to go back and get it seen to immediately. But i do hope on your case your doctor was right and all is good. Good luck. x

I have to urge you to do as everybody else here is telling you and get a referral to your local breast clinic. On examination my GP found that my lump was smooth and my breast clinic said the same (don’t know why they thought this was a good sign mind you) but I was still referred immediately and it was found that it was a 3.8cm grade 3 HER+ cancer - GP to surgery in under 5 weeks.

Please don’t delay - not matter how good your GP may be they are NOT breast cancer experts. Much better to get it checked out now by the experts for your own peace of mind than delay. Let’s hope that your GP IS correct but you really do need to hear this from the experts. A mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy will be your best diagnosis rather than what your GP ‘feels’

Good luck and do let us know how you get on

Mazzalou xxx

How scarey that a GP would not immediately refer you for tests. All lumps and bumps in our area are seen within 2 weeks at a 1 stop clinic, where you get an indication straight away as to the nature of your lump. 10 years ago I went to GP with a large lump in my right breast, I was sent to breast clinic and had mammogram and ultrasound scan and it turned out to be a benign fibroadenoma. Last October I found another lump and expected it to be the same, thankfully my GP sent me straight to the breast clinic where it was discovered I had a grade 3 triple negative breast cancer.

I urge you, as have the other posters, to seek a referral to your local breast clinic for your peace of mind.
All being well you will get the all clear. Dont waste time thinking about it further and all the very best of luck x

Hi there

I was diagnosed with lobular cancer back in 2009. This presented a very large area of thickening/lump and it was most definitely painful. Breast cancer can present with pain which makes me think your GP is not very knowledgeable. I had no skin puckering and the GP thought it wasn’t cancerous but did an urgent referral to check. The first consultant I saw thought after an initial examination it was mastitis not cancer until he saw the mammogram and biopsy result. He also didn’t think it was affecting lymph nodes under the arm (it was!).

I really hope that it isn’t cancer in your case, and the majority of lumps do fortunately turn out to be benign. However you do need to be seen by a specialist. Pay privately if you need to or can afford to, it’s not something you want to be worrying about for 2 or 3 months. Be pushy because no-one has the vested interest in your health like you do.

Please let us know how you get on and take care, Elinda xx

You must to go immediately unhesitatingly. Sometimes even after core biopsy they can not to find cancer cells. It is not very easy. I think so GP is not able to make difference without any investigations.In last reserches I red the best to do chemo is in a 5 days after surgery. In many countries doctors are doing like this. Even in small and poor Latvia. I did my an appoitment, surgery and first chemo during one week. Dont wait , please, so long.

Hi Salsjen,

Like the others I would urge you to get a referral to a Breast Care Clinic. My GP said my lump didn’t feel like cancer but she referred me because of my age and I thank God she did because it was grade 3 33mm Her2 cancer.

I hope your GP is right but you need tests to confirm it.

Good Luck.

I was first diagnosed 5 years ago. I visited my GP who prescribed cream for a fungal infection even though I said I had got a lump. He is the only doctor I have ever come across who could do a breast examination without getting out of his chair! Needless to say when I eventually got a referral to the Breast Clinic three months later the first thing I did was change my GP. Great at telling me I was overweight and drank too much but no good at the stuff that really matters. No denying obesity and alcholol have been proved to have a connection when it comes to cancer but he was definitely out of order. I ended up with a brilliant GP at another practice who couldn’t do enough for me. She even used to ring me from time to time to see how I was getting on with my chemo or just to check I was OK if I hadn’t been to the surgery for a while. Please, please, please insist on a referral. If there is something sinister there it can and will be dealt with, if not, as I hope is the outcome, you haven’t lost anything and your mind will be put at rest. Good Luck.

my GP also did the hand on hip and felt my lump whilst i did this, he said the lump moved when i did this and it was a good sign, but would refer me just to make sure, i’m so glad he did.
3 weeks later i went to breast clinic, 4 weeks later i had surgery for breast cancer.
the fact the you have come on here says you’re not 100% happy with what you have been advised, 2 - 3 months is a long time, i’d also say go back, even see a different GP, fingers crossed for you, but you need to know for sure

Good luck

Gill x


please insist on a referral ,dont take 2 to 3 months time, I hope it is nothing, but you cannot diagnose This monster disease with just a feel around, you need to be sure , and your GP needs to take extra training in this area

good luck , take care x


This is not what the NICE guidelines say about breast lumps, and your GP should act by these. They say that any woman over 30yrs of age with a solitary lump should be referred urgently and be seen within 2 weeks.

I would return to your GP and ask for urgent referal.


Thanks all for your messages - have contacted BUPA as they do a well woman mammogram to find out cost. Going to go back to GP too - another one in same practice hope for referral - not waiting 3 months.

Will let you know when I know more - may be a while but thanks for all your messages.

Naturally am worried with family history - also dealing with worry alone (and one close friend) at moment as both parents have enough to worry about with their cancers.


Don’t go for just a mammogram, you must be assessewd by a doctor too. I have lobular BC and this does not show up on mammograms, nor USS , they have to feel the thickness and biopsy it or fine needle aspirate it. Mammograms alone are just for screening, if you have a lump you should be seen.

Hopefully the other GP will refer you, if not ask for referal.


So pleased that you have taken out advice Jenny, and remember that you are not dealing with worry alone at the mo as you have a cast of thousands holding your hand on this website so make sure that you make good use of us.

Take care

Mazzalou xx