Guidelines before chemotherapy.

Is there anyone who can help me about chemotherapy as I’ll be getting soon. What should I do to get prepared,what type of diet should I take whole on chemo and can I exercise the way I used to during chemo? Please help.

Hi, I’ve just been for my pre chemo assessment. All the questions you have asked can be asked there. My nurse went over everything with me, and I mean everything. She seemed to have all the time in the world, and I really appreciated that. 

I have read up on Dr. Volgers (?) research on fasting, and although that’s not for me, I have started having smoothies for breakfast and cutting back on solid and heavy meals. I have also upped my intake of vegetables, especially dark green ones. There is a link on nutrition here somewhere, and some lists of food for people with oestrogen driven cancer. I’m following that. Copious amounts of water are also advised, three plus pints per day. I’m in training for that! Bladder like a leaky balloon at moment!!!

 I’m sure there will be other people along shortly to give you advice. X

P.S. Re exercise, do what you can, but it was suggested I might be rubbish for six days after chemo, then ok to carry on as normal. I am attending my local Maggies centre for exercise as no way do I want germs from the gym to land me in hospital. You will have no white blood cells to combat infections, unfortunately. Good luck. X

Thankyou Annie. Love you.