HER2+++ 3 years on

I know how slavishly I checked for positive HER2 threads when I was diagnosed, so I thought I would share.

I passed my 3year MOT today. I was diagnosed in October 2010, and had chemo before my MX, hence this being the 3yr mark now.

Oodles of nodes involved too, which I know can also be very frightening at the beginning.

Good wishes to all x x x

Huge congratulations TSR and thank you for posting. I was diagnosed with stage 2 Her2+ Pr+ and Er+ last March. Ive had 8 cycles of chemo (FEC-T), MX and expander recon on the right, then radiotherapy. I’m now on Tamoxifen, and have Herceptin IV every three weeks. 


I came across this post as I have been feeling really low and can’t seem to stop crying lately so looked for inspiration on here. It’s unusual for me to find anyone who has had chemo before MX and Her2+.  


Thank you for your post and story. It has helped. xxxxx

Well done TSr, many congratulations, and thinking supportive thoughts Primrose Hill, I had my teary times but they also pass, M

Thanks Moorcow. Primrose - you will get there- we all have our weepy times. Have you thought about any further help? Counselling was great for me- and the BCC peer support service can link you up with someone with a similar diagnosis who is perhaps a bit further down the line? Lots of love.

Can i be daft and ask what the +++ means. Noone has ever explained it to me. I had a number of tests which all came back borderline or negative but was eventually diagnoses as her2 + (Think it might be +++).

I’m new to the forum, so I’m really pleased to read good news stories. I was diagnosed with HER2+++ in November last year. I’ve come through chemo, And I’m now on maintenance Herceptin and Pertuzimab. I’ve had a mastectomy, full lymph clearance and I’m about to have radiotherapy. I had 7 lymph nodes involved and multiple lung nodules. The good news is that I had an excellent response to treatment because I am HER2+++ and I now have no active disease. It’s been a scary time, but I’ve been increasingly fortunate with the care and treatment I’ve received. Congratulations and wishing you many many years of good health