Have a voice - help to improve the information newspapers and magazine provide about breast cancer

Discussion group participants needed!

TOPIC: Newspapers and magazines as a source of information about cancer.

WHO? We’re looking for older adults (age 50+) to share their views on the ways newspapers, magazines and other media tell stories about cancer.

WHAT? Participants are asked to spend an hour in a discussion group about the topic. Travel expenses will be paid.

WHY DO IT? By taking part, you can help to improve the information that people are given about cancer in future.

Want to know more?
Then ring Yvonne Cunningham at:0141 330 2041 or 07500 467 254
or email: yvonne.cunningham@glasgow.ac.uk 

The research is being carried out by researchers in the Institute of Health & Wellbeing at the
University of Glasgow and is funded by Cancer Research UK.

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer