Have you heard about TRIAMAZON, a non -toxic treatment for cancer??

Hy again,
I was looking for some information on the qweb and I came across with a web page www.triamazon.com . They talk about triamazon. It sounds good but I would like to have more information about it. Hope anyone on this site is using that or has read about this.

Hello Hopes

I would always advise caution when I see claims that a drug is non-toxic, or doesn’t have side effects. All drugs have some side effects, and how they affect individuals vary.

It is important for anyone who is wanting to supplement their treatment or diet with complementary, alternative, or over the counter medicines that you inform the medical team who are caring for you, as drugs can interact with each other.

In the UK all drugs that are licensed for use, and available via the NHS, have to be tested in clinical trials. The UK has very tight regulations around clinical trials and the licensing of drugs - this is for patient safety.

I realise this site states much research, but it does not talk about robust peer reviewed clinical trials. These are clinical trials which are open to scrutiny from other professionals working in the same field.

Best wishes

Clinical Nurse Specialist