Hello is anyone there?

I would love to communicate with other caring people, I find this site really confusing.

I have mets breast cancer of the spine, ribs, pelvic, and legs. Taking Pablociclin and Letrozole I have dreadful ringing in the ears and sickness. Discovered the cancer when I had a hip replacement in September 17.

Hi annrose

There are plenty of us here!  Sometimes it can be a bit quiet, other times it seems to take ages to catch up on the posts! Thank you for introducing yourself but sorry to hear that you have had to join us.  A lot of new member start a new post as that seems to be the logical way to being but we all seem to then move on to relevant threads either those regarding the actual treatment we’re on or those that are relevant to the type of metds we have.  As almost all of us have bone mets, either on their own or with other mets, we often post on the ‘Bone mets please join in’ thread. You can see from the number of posts that it is easily the busiest thread.  There is a current thread in the ‘Treatments and Medical Issues’ part that is about pablociclib so it may be worth reading that as well.

BTW the site is pretty confusing and not very user friendly for a first time user however once you get to grips with it it does provide a huge amount of support and shared experiences with women who are going through the same thing and therefore understand.  To write on an existing thread you just need to click on the ‘reply’ button at the bottom of the latest post on a particular thread and you will then have a text box, the same as the one you wrote in for your post, which you can then reply or add something.  It would be better to call it ‘add post’ rather than ‘reply’ as your post will be added to the thread rather than just replying to the last post - if that makes sense!  Remember also that this is an open forum therefore anyone can read your posts even if they are not logged in and/or a member of the site so don’t put too much on here that is very personal unless you are happy that anyone can read it.

Nicky x

Yes I am here newly diagnosed and scared
See oncologist on Monday xxx

Thank you so much and yes learning not to look at stats!!! Xxx

Thanks for that - I have the Breast Cancer care file so am using that xxx

Echo what others have said I have found reading the threads really useful and knowing others know EXACTLY how I feel. It is a very supportive network