Help with SE's on Tax

Hi, Last week I had the last lot of Tax ( I had 4xFEC and 4x tax), I thought I had experienced all the Se’s I was going to and could cope with them, but it now looks as if i’ve got a burn on my arm just above the wrist. has anyone else been ‘burnt’ by tax and if so how did you deal with it? The red patch is getting bigger and i’m getting some pain - so far i’ve put savalon on it. I’ve been reading through a lot of threads on chemo but no one seems to mention this so i’m starting to get a bit worried. I also feel a bit in limbo as i’m now being passed back to the surgeon as i’ve not had surgery yet - so who do I speak to if this gets worse?

Thanks in advance


I got a similiar ‘burn’ mark on my arm after my 5th chemo, 2nd Tax. I showed it my Onc and he said yes, TAX can do that it affects the veins and they react to it. I put germeline (sp?) on mine and on my last TAX they used a different vein and it is healing now.

My Onc said it was flebitis (official term) although not the ‘serious’ type whatever that means and it will just heal on its own - which is is doing. Another side effect I think… xxx