High Grade DCIS

High Grade DCIS

High Grade DCIS I was treated for high grade DCIS and I received a WLE. This was not successful. I later learn’t that high grade DCIS can be picked up on an MRI. If they had given me an MRI prior to the first WLE they would have known the extent of the DCIS and I would not have needed further ops.

Thought I just put this info in as I note this forum isn’t being used much - curious that.

— Hi Celeste

I too have been wondering why this forum is so quiet.
Sorry to hear your op was not successful, me too. They did the WLE procedure twice, then I had to have a mastectomy anyway. What’s next for you?

Another lady on here mentioned that MRI scan could pick up DCIS but when I asked my breast nurse about it she disagreed. I would really like to know, as I want my other side to be checked regularly, but afraid of too many x-rays.

Anne (there’s lots of us in here)

MRI’s and High Grade DCIS Hi Annie,

I just wrote you a really long response and then the system kind of broke down. So I shall keep this brief. MRI’s can detect high grade DCIS - don’t know about the other grades but definately can detect high grade. If your BCN doesn’t know this - well she should. I have it in black and white from a highly respected breast surgeon and confirmed by a research scientist/oncologist for CRUK…

Speak again another time when certain this thing doesn’t crash again.