Hope this may help.

I posted this in the anniversary section yesterday and Carrie 35 suggested I put it on this thread as it may provide you with some hope,comfort as well as inspiration for all those just starting their journey.I wrote. 1year ago I sat watching a local amazing firework display with tears running down my face convinced I would be dead by the next year’s show.but tonight I watched it again with hope in my heart that I will be around to see many more.had 1year check up today and all seems well.best wishes to you all.didi x

Hi didi62 thanks for this post i have felt and do feel like you mentioned and it is comforting and very hopeful . Just about to commence chemo and scared thanks for your support love Gill

Thank you didi it’s so good to hear the stories of ladies like you who are out the other side of this scary disease, and so kind of you to take the time to help those of us at the beginning of the fight to rid ourselves of it, I have made a promise to myself to do the same in a years time . i wish you many healthy happy years to come xx

Thank you for posting didi. It helps those of us who are just starting out xx

Great post Didi :slight_smile:
Same for me, I was diagnosed last year and after an op (had 3 positive lymph node), chemo, radio and now on Tamoxifen for a few years. I’ve been through hell and back, so scared to die etc.
Well…I’m happy to report that I had CT + bone scans and mammogram 3 weeks ago and guess what…NO cancer left in my body :smiley:
Keep a positive attitude and a good sense of humour…that helps :slight_smile:
Take care
A x