How are you after DIEP?


Did you have DIEP reconstruction? Do you have ongoing abdominal weakness or back pain, or other long term problems?

I’m asking because I was told today by my new surgeon that these can be ongoing risks of ‘free flap from abdo’ reconstruction.

DIEP is my only option. I thought that as it doesnt use muscle, abdo weakness would not be a risk, and I’ve never heard that ongoing back pain could be a problem. 

Grateful to hear your experiences, thanks x



Hi fecinora (love the name!)

I had DIEP reconstruction 10 weeks ago.  at first I couldn’t believe how difficult everything was.  I couldn’t stand up straight, I couldn’t walk far or fast, I couldn’t get in and out of bed easily and I couldn’t sleep properly.  But that only lasted 2 or 3 weeks and every day i got a llittle stronger and could stand longer or straighter.  Now I am back at work.  I can walk for miles.  I have started to do teeny sit-ups to try to strengthen my tummy muscles.  I have no other physical problems really.  I do have a"lump" high up in my abdomen which is a bit hard but the surgeon didn’t really seem concerned when I mentioned it at a check-up  parts of my abdomen are numb - I don’t know whether feeling will come back, but it doesn’t really bother me  good luck with your op - when the time comes take things slowly and remember you will get better  I was quite down at first because I thought I would never walk properly again!  Take Care.  x Jane

Hi, I had my DIEP 11 months ago. I have had a fair amount of ‘inconvenience’ but no lasting weaknesses. Never had any back pain - was uncomfortable for a few weeks after the operation as I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep as not used to sleeping on my back but other than that no back issues.
I have a ‘blog’ of my days in hospital and recovery. If you would like to see it then pm me with your email address and i will send it over to you

I had Diep 10 days ago. My back was a bit sore for the first few days until I could start upright. I found sleeping on my back caused pain too, but it’s easy to sleep lying on my side, that made a big difference. I am slim and was told it would be v tight afterwards, and it was, but again, that eased when I started standing upright. I think the key to recovering well from Diep is to get upright and mobile ASAP. They only use a small bit of the abdo muscle for carrying blood vessels, apart from that it’s fat, so the abdo muscles should be ok. It’s the Tram flap that uses muscle. I was told I would have a lump in my abdomen, I can see it but it’s not too bad. All in all, I’m glad I went down this route, it’s not as bad as I thought. Yes, I’m bruised and tender but I’ve been out walking the dog 4 miles a day since I got home from the hospital! Good luck, you’ll be fine xx

You’re more than welcome to the blog - whenever you feel the time is right!
I am coming up to the anniversary of my operation - what a difference a year makes.
Cancer free and enjoying life to the full! :slight_smile: