How do I keep going?

Just had my 3rd chemo session. This one hit me big time. Usually my glass is always half full. I see things as challenges not obstacles. Cancer been removed and treatment is about “just making sure there’s none left”. I’m finding it hard to justify putting myself thru this when there may not be anything there to kill. Anybody got any tips to keep me positive and help me believe “I’m worth it”.

Hello Dorothy
I didn’t get hit big time until my fifth chemo session which really wiped me out. I was over half way through, only three more to go, and I couldn’t understand where all my previous optimism and sense of humour had gone. I’'m going through a bad patch now, having finished chemo and waiting for rads and I really expected to feel brilliant by now. I know it sounds trite but the only thing that works for me is taking one day at a time. You might feel really desperate one day but feelings change and the next day could be better. You’re coping really well considering they are putting poison into you. One thing is for sure, you are most definitely worth it!
All the best,

To Dorothy61,
I have just finished my chemo and to be honest it was pure hell, But I am at the end now .
Please believe it is worth to get rid of the horrible disease. It is just a few week out of your life .
I had wonderful support from my family
For every bad day there is going to a month of good days . I have been battling with this for last 17 years and am only 46 .
But will keep going as I have lots of good times to have yet
Sending you a hug
Love Rosie xx

Dorothy 61,
Don’t give up on yourself sweetheart you are half the way there now, it is very hard when the se get so bad. You must remember the oncologist would not be giving us these poisons unless they thought it will keep this dieses at bay. Just think forward try and plan something to look forward to, a holiday or a few days with friends, or a shopping spree. I know you won’t feel like it now, but I find going through this if I have something planned keeps me going, helps me get through the bad days. Also don’t forget if they are really bad get in touch with your oncologist nurse or breast care nurse, they must be able to help it is what they are there for, or just a chat with them may help. You will get through this we all will. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. But never never give up on yourself.
Lots hugs Carolann. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Hi Dorothy - I was the same as you - had the chemo “just to make sure there was nothing left” after having mastectomy. I had the short and sharp regime of AC and even though its all done now its still pretty fresh in my mind just how disgusting the whole thing was. It was my third one too that hit me bigtime and I’m normally so happy and positive but I just felt so ill the first week or so I thought it was never going to end. But it does and soon it will all be behind you.
Chin up girl - you will soon have plenty of fab days - you are definitely worth it!

Hi Dorothy

I think for many of us, it’s chemo number 3 that pulls out the rug for us - bit like the fat lady singing at the end of the concert.
I deal with it by practising gratitude and acceptance. Gratitude that I live in a coiuntry where i have the opportunity to moan about how lousy chemo is - in mnay countries, you don’t get chemo unless you have the money. And acceptance by just going with what is and some days thats just waiting for the hours to pass and know that in a weeks time, I will have lifted.
For me, I try to stay out of my own misery and instead look at what I can do to add a bit of value to others lives and you know what, soon as I start doing things for others, even just saying kind words, my own misery starts to lift.
I have had 3 children - thats 27 months of pregnancy which I loathed. That puts my chemo months into perspective:)
It feels like a very long tunnel when we are in the middle of it, but the train keeps chugging, we just need to stay on board and know there is sunshine at the end.

Pixie xx

Thank you all so very much. Back to me again with your help. I have joined the May 2012 feed which I know, along with family and friends, will keep me going so I can see this through to the end. You are all amazing women. X