How do you focus on other things?

Hi, I found this forum last week and have felt like a stalker reading through all your posts but now I feel the need to introduce myself and ask for advice.

I am 39 (last week) married with 2 children 11 and 9. A little over 3 weeks ago I randomly noticed a lump in my left breast while sitting watching tv.  I mentioned it to hubby who insisted I got it checked.  Saw gp who referred me to breast clinic but as I have no family history and no other symptoms said he was sure it was just hormone realted and would maybe go before I had appointment.  It didnt so I went to clinic last Wednesday. I had mammogram and scan and was told as well as the lump in my left  they saw “other changes” in my right but they would redo mammogram on that in 6 months so not overly concerned! They were however concerned about the lump which needed a core biopsy and this was done yesterday.  Now the waiting game for results, how do you stay focused on other things and not worry yourself sick constantly? I have gone over every eventuality in my mind and I am metally drained.  I dont think I can cope for up to 2 weeks waiting for news. 

Hi judimam

Welcome to the BCC Forum where I hope you will find lots of support from fellow members.

As well as the support to be found on here you might also find it helpful to phone our Helpline to talk things over.  They will be able to offer you practical information and emotional support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Judimam. I’m in a similar situation, found lump which gp thought was cyst but referred me. Went to breast clinic on 12th Feb where I had various mammograms, ultrasound and core biospy on lump plus fine needle aspiration on iffy looking lymph node. They also found calcification which apparently all lead them to believe its not good news. I came away battered, bruised and in a total state of disbelief. I’m now on day 13 of waiting with results due on Friday and I have to say its been the toughest 13 days I’ve ever known. I can’t focus on anything else, can’t sleep or eat and am convinced the not knowing has to be the hardest part. I decided not to tell anyone except my husband and closest friend so trying to keep everything together so my girks dont pick up on it. All I can say is this forum has been vital, everyone knows sadly exactly what you are going through and someone is always ready with a morale boosting comment or virtual hug. Keep strong and positive and let’s hope we both get good news. Take care :slight_smile: xx

Hi Judimam and Jules66,
It’s a hard time when you are waiting for results, particularly after some comments from medics expressing concern.
I’m now a good few months post radio…I remember prior to tests thinking oh its probably a harmless lump of fattynecrosis (which can look similar to some cancer on scans) until the mamo and ultasound expanded to core biopsies and onicologist said they were sat on the fence…it was a long week. Wherever I felt a bubble of argh no, it can’t be can it, or fear of the unknown well up, I tried to remove myself by thinking there is no point overly worrying about a/something which may still turn out to be nothing and b/ something which I could do absolutely nothing to change or alter the outcome, whatever it may be.

Also did some visualisation, close your eyes and really focus on the sight, sound, breeze, warmth of the sun etc of being somewhere you find beautiful and calming.

The combination of the above helped me through emotional bubble up panic times in the early days.

Hopefully you won’t need to join this unique club, but if you do become members there is lots of support, advice, even humour, albeit a tad black at times, on this site. And if you do join, things do calm down once you know what treatment is needed and have time to accept this…
Thinking of you and beaming you much positivity to deal with the panic moments until you both find out

Thank you both for your replies, I think I was having a really bad day yesterday but I have woke up this morning (after a couple hours sleep!!!) feeling much more postive with the feeling that I am going to be ok.  

I am going to plan a nice weekend with the family and hopefully feel this way until I hear when I need to go back for results.

Jules_66 did I just see on another thread that you had good news? (fingers crossed)

Seabreeze thank you for your advice I will keep them both in mind should I get wobbly again.

Love to you both xx


Hi just wondering if you got your reaults yet ? Hope all is well x

It could just be that you were initially told 2 weeks since they couldn’t be sure when the results would be back from the lab? Having said that I do see where you are coming from.
Either way, given it is stressful waiting for results, better that you don’t have to wait as long as you thought you would. Have you thought about taking someone with you on Friday, can be helpful since they can take notes if need be and provide some reassurance. I know it’s a worrying place to be, waiting, but try not to panic.

Thank you Seabeeze and Jules. I just got a shock when they called yesterday but yes the sooner I know either way the better. My mam is coming with me and hopefully my husband too if he can get the time off work but if not I’m fine with mam as she been with me all the other appointments. I am off for a pamper morning today courtesy of mr best friend so a little me time ahead of tomorrow. I will keep you updated and fingers crossed for you Jules.
Take care xxx

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