How long could I go back to work?

I am going to have a lumpectomy followed by radiotherephy. I wonder how long after the surgery I will be fit enough to return work? Could I work part timely when I am having the radiotheraphy?

I worked through radiotherapy 9.30 to 3.30 - had my radiotherapy sessions at 3.45 but worked only ten minutes walk from Barts hospital where I received the rads. i then went home. The reason I wanted reduced hours was to avoid the rush hour as much as anything

I had 15 sessions, I continued to work reduced hours until mid june - finished radiotherapy on 19 april

Hi there,
I guess it depends a bit on what you do? I was back at work within a week of the lumpectomy, it was my left side tho, so was just careful for a while. Not sure about the rads but most people seem to work through them?
Best of luck

Hi all,

Thanks a lot - i am working in office. Considering part time maybe but will see. People seem to work through - i think it might be better as i donot want to sit in and feel misrable and tired by my own

I did feel rather queasy at times and had a week’s sick leave after it finished


I waited until my rads had finished before returning to work because I have a very long commute to work and by the time I had my rads, it wouldnt be worth going in. Also, my job is quite physical. However, I know of many people who had a lumpectomy and rads and worked through the rads. You probably should wait a couple of weeks after surgery to let things heal properly and to give yourself some rest. I know it isnt as major as having a mastectomy but it still is surgery after all.