How long to get appointment

Hi sorry if this has been asked before, I had my gp appointment yesterday and was referred after finding a lump which has caused me alot of discomfort and has grown. I know the appointment for mam is normally within 2-4 weeks (if your doctors remember to do these things) I was just wondering how long it takes before you are contacted by the clinic to give you your appointment date?



Hello and welcome.


If you are referred to the breast clinic as a result of finding a lump, the national standard is that you must be seen within 2 weeks from the date of referral… You will probably have any or all of these at the appointment mammogram/ultrasound/biopsy.  If this is the case then you will be booked in for another apt about a week later to get your results.


In some areas they have a one stop breast clinic where all of the tests are done in the one day and you get your results later in the day I believe but there will be other ladies on here who will have experienced this and will be able to give you more info.


Keep in mind that not all lumps are cancerous there are a lot of benign breast conditions that it could be.  IF and a IF it is cancer, the treatment for it is extremely good and successful these days.


One thing not to do is google your symptoms.  There is a lot of misinformation and out of date stuff on the web, plus everyones symptoms are different so you will only scare yourself.


Let us know how you get on.


Helena x