How long until possible symtoms begin

Hi all

My mum begins her chemo on Monday. I was going to bring her to my house for a few days afterwards as unsure how she’ll respond. However my partner has had a viral infection for a few days and today says his joints ache and neck is swollen. I know it may clear up by Monday but worrying that it doesn’t.
How long after the chemo was given did you find you began feeling queasy etc? Is it immediate, next day or a few days or is it variable? We can make other arrangements for someone to be there but I wanted to take care of her myself if possible.


Hi Daisy,


This differs from person to person. You just have to see how things go after the first dose. Usually, the same pattern is followed every time. I didn’t feel any nausea at all. Had my treatment on Thursday, and was fine until Monday when there was a dip in my energy and felt ‘wiped out’ By Tuesday I couldn’t function at all, but still managed to go shopping etc. This fatigue and feeling ‘out of it’ lasted until late Friday, then by Saturday I was reasonably ok again - except for constipation/diarrhea, and sore mouth. But onco gave me meds to counteract this. Odd thing, I kept telling the chemo nurses I didn’t need the anti sickness meds but they kept giving me them. I never used them so have boxes of the stuff in my cupboard. Maybe you should let someone else take care of her (if she needs it) the first time. Sending hugs and best wishes.


poemsgalore xx

Thankyou for the response and sharing your reaction to the chemo.
We discussed it at the pre op appt today and they said that she may begin to feel effects at day 3 and that she is more vulnerable days 10-14. They said that common colds are obviously unavoidable and to move away from someone coughing and sneezing but to use alcohol gel at other times. I think we’ll see what the situation is on Monday and take if from there. Any signs of illness in my household (I have a two year old son too) and we’ll make other arrangements, despite how much I want her here. Thanks again- helps to know how it may pan out.


Hi Daisy,
i would always feel ok on the day I had my chemo, I used to be able to go home and get on with doing normal things, , a bit like poems galore has said mine would always take
a few days before I felt pretty wiped out.
I hope she doesnt feel too bad anyway.
Best wishes,

Hi daisy everyone is different and depends on drugs. I’m on FEC, first time I felt very nauseous, tired/exhausted and unable to eat much for 4/5 days (treatment ftiday, by Wednesday felt normal again).

Watch out for day 7-14 post chemo when white blood cell count drops leaving mum suseptible to infection. My operated breast went bright red on day 8 I was freezing day 9 I was boiling and in hospital having IV antibiotics.

Had round 2 on Friday - they’re altered the cocktail slightly and upped the anti nausea meds and I feel much better. Still a bit nauseous but are 3 meals yesterday and went shopping to pick up my wig - last time I stayed in bed all weekend!

I’d suggest speaking to your partners gp and your mums nurse and just play really safe.

Glad treatments started / let me know his she gets on x

Thanks Emma and Dawn. It seems variable then. Also can see why they suggest keeping a diary - so they known whether to adjust anti sickness medications.
At the moment my partner had a fever. My mum thinks it may be ok as she begins tomorrow afternoon and isn’t neutropenic yet. I however worry she’ll get it but then still have it when neutropenia sets in. She also wants to be as independent as possible, which I understand. Therefore thinking it’s not worth the risk. I’ll go to chemo session on Monday afternoon and then take her home (her home). I’m off work Tuesday (work full time but have 2yr old too) so we can go down in the morning and see how she is. I booked an appointment at a salon to look at wigs so we’re hoping she’s ok for that as its less than 24hrs after chemo.
I’ll let you know how she gets after the chemo session.


Hi Maggie

No CT scan results yet. It was 9 days ago now. Pre op assessment was yesterday and the nurse said they weren’t in folder but that she would chase them up so that hopefully on call consultant could give her them tomorrow before/after chemo. I feel so stressed about it and I think my mum obviously is too but we are trying not to think the worst.
Did you get yours? And the bone scan?


Excellent news Maggie and good luck for you too with the bone scan.


Mum had her first chemo today. It took about 1 hour. We had to get her scan results from the on call registrar as it was a nurse led clinic. He said it wasn’t the right setting for giving results but we explained how anxious we were and he looked them up and said they were clear. Feel relieved but feel I need to discuss it with her oncology consultant. That appointment is in 3 weeks just before her next chemo.

Hi Maggie

I just posted about her experience in the December chemo thread. I had a read through the rest and saw that you are all having different combinations and different ways of delivering it. My mums was straight into the vein on the hand. Wonder why they use different combinations of drugs or in different orders?
