How soon can i dye my hair after chemo?

Hi ladies,

I finished chemo in September this year then had radiotherapy and now on Herceptin. My hair is growing back very nicely now but the colour is a mixture of grey and brown so at the moment i am still wearing my wig. I absolutely hate the grey and im only 45. Does anyone happen to know how soon i can dye my hair after chemo. It’s been over 3 months now since i finished chemo. I am seeing my hairdresser today so that she can do a skin test and probably she may take a cut of my hair so she can see how it will react to the colour. I am fed up of wearing my wig now but there is no way i will stop wearing it until i have had my hair coloured.

Many thanks

Karen xx

Also i’ve heard terrible stories that your hair can turn orange…

Hi Karen
I dyed my hair at the beginning of december and I had finished chemo in July , I was advised either 6 months after chemo or when the hair is at least 1 inch long , I went for the 1 inch , It was fine but I did have to sign a waver at my hairdresser’s in case anything went awry , hope this helps you , Bu the way it looks fab im so pleased to get rid of the PURE WHITE !! Must change my piccy

Good luck x

KB, I dyed mine a couple of months after chemo finished, I used an organic dye from Boots, did it before Christmas too. I think as long as you do a patch test you should be fine x

I also dyed my hair about 2 months after finishing chemo First of all I uaed a 6 wash non permanent nice and easy dye. it didn’t last long and the next time I used the Non permanent 20 wash nice and easy which doesn’t contain ammonia, with no problems. I am still using it without problem despite now taking capecitabine an oral chemotherapy (for secondaries). pamx.

Hi, I finished chemo at the end of February last year, I dyed my hair for my sons wedding in the May, that was also the day I went without a scarf for the first time, I was advised not to use a permnant colour so I use L’Oreal casting, its says its for 28 washes but lasts alot longer than that, good luck…
Jay X

Hi. I was advised to wait 6 months before having hair coloured so have just had it done following end of chemo last July. Couldnt wait- its bad enough have short, curly hair following chemo without having the grey/brown colour which i hated. am now red/velvet coloured which looks great. Have also had it trimmed a couple of times which keeps the curls under control.
Hope it goes well for you.

Hi, I was advised 6 months too. I waited the 6 months to the day, couldn’t wait to get rid of the grey! It was fine. I know some ladies used dye before then with no problems but I didn’t want to take the risk.

Hiya Ladies, thank you very much for your comments . I decided to get my hair dyed and it’s not done it any harm at all. I am SO happy to ditch the wig…lol. I feel so much more cooler without it tbh…I shall post a photo of my new hair.

Karen xx

Although this thread is over 6 months old, I thought I would put in my 2p as this question seems to crop up agan and again.

I also read on the internet that patients should wait 6 months or more, but I couldn’t find the basis for this recommendation. I wondered if the same recommendation was going round and round various forums without anyone knowing where it originally came from or the true basis of the advice.

I also read that “natural” or “organic” hair dyes might be “safer” for chemo hair regrowth. However (as far as I could tell) the main ingredients in these products didn’t seem very different from regular brand hair dyes in Boots or Superdrug costing a fraction of the price of the “natural” or “vegetable” dyes. According to a review of “natural” hair dyes in Choice (Australian equivalent of Which?), many “still contain plenty of chemicals, including the main allergy culprits”. This article concluded that “The addition of certified organic ingredients and other plant extracts doesn’t mean it’s any better for your health”.

I started colouring my hair at 3 months using a Level 1 hair colourant (lasts 6 to 8 washes) I bought in Superdrug (NiceNEasy). There is a difference in the sorts of chemicals used in Level 1 dyes compared with longer lasting (Level 2 and 3). Temporary hair dyes typically don’t contain peroxide, ammonia or chemicals such as PPDs and PTDs and their derivatives.

Given that chemo regrowth does tend to be finer and softer, I thought temporary (but mainstream brand) hair colour would be a reasonable choice.

PS The results of my hair colouring “experiments” (with photos) can be seen on a page on my blog:



I felt exactly the same as you do when my hair grew back, i dyed mine after about 3 mths, i googled a natural hair dye so as not to damage the new hair, found a brilliant one completely natural and designed for post chemo hair, lovely colour as well.  Sadly no colour chart but go with your instincts, i chose a dark brown and wasnt dissapointed.   Go to the watercolours section  


Sue x

My hair came back wavy and all grey I’m jest finishing chemo I almost 2weeks now I just want to know when is the best time to dye my hair and where do I go to a professional of do it myself 

Just wanted you all to know that CHI makes an ammonia and PPD free hair color. (PPD is the chemical that many people have allergies to)

6 month’s after last treatment.

6 month’s & most definately have hair colored by a professional licensed hair stylist.

Curious how your color turned out & what your stylist used?

Thank you all for your input. I finished chemo six weeks ago and currently going through radistion. I was surprised that my hair was growing in mostly white and brown. I see from your comments this is normal. God bless us all for getting through this

I am from Canada but found this thread and site to be very helpful.  I am on day 13 of my final chemo treatment for breast cancer.  While surgery (double mascetomy) will occur in a few weeks, and then radiation, I am looking forward to my hair regrowing and other side effects of chemo to go away.  Thanks to all who share their personal experiences.  I will stay tuned…

To all of u brave women and men, I know and understand how difficult cancer is. I send all of you love, encouragement, and good wishes. You will get through all of this. I am a brest cancer survivor. Bless you all.

Hi!! My name is Tori. I’m 41yrs old and beat Breast Cancer in June of this year!! I went through all of that and my faith in God brought me through!! I still have some side effects from chemo like menopause and constipation but I just thank God I’m here!! I pray that you have strength and peace to get through…God bless??