I don't understand!

I don’t understand!

I don’t understand! I am due my mastectomy (after chemo) in early June and I had my consultation with the surgeon last week.

I was hoping for a temporary (or permanant) reconstruction at the time, but was told that I will not be able to have any reconstruction until 6 months after the operation. Does anyone know the reason for this as most/ some seem to get immediate reconstruction?

I was also told that I will lose my nipple as the tumour is behind it. On the good news front the chemo seems to have helped reduce my lymph glands substantially.

I have said that I will so whatever it takes, equally I want to get back to normality as soon as possible and don’t want to have to pay (or my company health care) for a second unnecessary operation…

Any information gratefully received!


Good luck Hi Kate

I am far from being an expert, but have you got to have radiotherapy? as I know they are reluctant to do reconstruction before this. I couldn’t have it again as I had it previously so was able to have immediate reconstruction.

I lost my nipple but have had one reconstructed and tattooed, although its not as good as the real thing I am comfortable with it. It all takes time though I had my reconstruction 18 months ago and I am only just having the tattooing done.

Hope your op goes well and keep posting to let us know how you are.

Take care.


Likewise Jan I am not an expert.

I had my Mastectomy in January this year and was told that they would not do a reconstruction (if I had wanted one) for at least a year. Their reasoning behind this was that if I needed rads the reconstruction could possibly break down.

Hope you get on ok when you have your op.


Please refer to my rant posting! Hi Kate,

If you are not satisfied you are perfectly within your rights to request a second opnion.

Please check out my major rant posting.

All the best

Mrs Sxx

Immediate Recon I had immediate tramp flap recon,(dec 06) but I didn’t need radiotherapy, just chemo.So if you are maybe this is the answer.

I had decided as soon as they said a mastectomy that I would have imm/recon, and the consultant never mentioned delays at all.
I ended up using my company private health care after carefully consideration, and had the op 4 weeks later. But by the sounds of the BC nurse I would have not been much longer on the NHS (but I did here someone quote they were told 3 months).

Maybe it goes back to postcode lottery, it might be upto the individual consultant/hospital.

I would certainly ask why if you are not having radiotherapy.

Good Luck