IBC when breastfeeding?

Hello, I am 34, I was treated for ocular melanoma last year and I gave two children 3 and 8 months. I am still breast feeding my 8 month old. A few days ago I noticed a red mark on my left breast about 2 inches below the nipple. It’s not sore and assumed my son had scratched me. It’s bigger now and redder and it looks like it almost has a head on it but doesn’t if that makes sense. Could this be IBC?? I’m really panicking. Don’t know how I will cope if I have cancer again. I have taken a photo if anybody would look.

Hi Lizzy,it is very probably nothing to worry about but as you have already been treated for cancer I can understand how you would be anxious about this .If it doesn’t improve or gets any worse you should get it checked out even if just to put your mind at rest .There will be walk in clinics over Christmas .You could post your question in the ask the nurses section but I don’t think you will get a response til after Christmas now.Hope all turns out ok .