Is it more of a risk of developing bc in other breast if TN?

Hi just had a recurrance of bc in original site TN , all the same as original tumour. Had chemo lumpectomy and rads in 2008 , now back again !!!
Has bone scan CT and PET ?CT to check small area on lung and ribs they do not know what they are, otherwise clear. Dr says it will be mastectomy this time. is there more risk of bc in other breast with TN , should i ask for a bilateral mx ???
thanks xx

Hi sarah

there isnt a higher risk of a cancer in the other breast if you have TNBC however if you are under 50 then there is a a chance you could have a genetic mutation and the institute of cancer research recommends those with TNBC diagnosed under 50 be offered genetic testing. Women with a brca 1 or 2 mutation do have an increased risk of having a contralateral BC… The rate is around 50% if your a mutation carrier.

so it might be worthwhile looking into this

lulu xx

Hi llulu you mention ladies under 50 with tn should have genetic testing…I’m 42 no family history of bc at all, I have asked to be reserved, but my hospital say there’s no kneed as no history!! Do you know if you can gt privately tested, I have 2 girls and I obviously am concerned for there future health.