Itchy patch

Hi I was Horace on here several years ago. I was originally dx with Triple Negative breast cancer in 2006. I had WLE, chemo (fec/t) and rads and have been reasonably ok since. A few days ago I developed a patch of itchy skin on my good breast. It is about the size of a 2p and consists of a few raised spots.

My GP has referred me to the breast clinic and I am waiting for an appointment. Of course I have googled and I am now very very scared. I feel so sick and shaky. I have been told I’ll get an appt within two weeks but am thinking of trying to get a private appointment sooner. I found this site so supportive, I never thought I’d be back and would be greatful for any positive stories in the meantime. Thanks.

Hi Theoldone,

I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling scared about these symptoms and I’m sure other users will be along soon to share their stories and show support.

I really hope your appointment goes well!

Best wishes,


Thanks Bonita

In fact the itch has calmed down and the rash has faded. My big fear was ibc of course. I made a private appointment with the surgeon who treated me in 2006 and will see him on Wednesday as I should probably have a check up anyway.