July Zappers

Just home from rads planning, due to start on 1st July x 15 sessions - anyone joining me?

Hi there I have only just had surgery can you tell me how long it was before you could start your Radiotherapy?   Good luck with your Zapping I might nt be far behind you so may be following you I have been told when I have rads it will  be 15 sessions.

I am starting on 1st July too. Dreading the journey every day! Sorry I can’t answer your question amberstone as my rads are following on from chemo not surgery.

We’re staying just south of bude. Husbands brother in laws cottage - been there lots of times, kids love it and we cross over with cousins a couple of days. Just need to be prepared for rads burns etc as a bit out in the wild!!

Sheena, I had op, chemo, recon, rads x

Hi all - can I join this thread! I had wle and SNB on 11th May, grade 2 ductal 12mm tumour removed, clear lymph node. I have had an initial appointment with oncologist but am awaiting my planning appointment. I am having 15 sessions followed by 8 boosters. I was told initially I would be having 15 sessions and was a bit shocked to be told I would be having more. I have a holiday booked the end of August which I told the onc about - he said my treatment should be finished by then. I hope I get my appointment soon - want to get on with the rads now! I was going to cancel the holiday but surgeon said not to and it would be a good week away at the end of my treatment. I have been suffering from palpitations and feeling faint since starting tamoxifen - been to see gp today and he told me to see how I am over next few weeks. He did mention my blood pressure was slightly low and wasn’t impressed when I told him I had been on a 20 mile bike ride yesterday! I was a very active person before cancer took over and am desperate to get back to my fitness routine. I’m 47 by the way and post menopausal. Good luck with your rads everyone! Let you know when I get my date to start.

He Sharnie, I’m not 48 and pre menopausal. My rads are due to stop 3 days before we travel! Very nervous about that but plan to organize antibiotics, flammazine etv just in case!

Sharnie, we’re just off to Cornwall so waterproofs and fleeces more the order of the day!! But you never know last year was hot! Greece will be lovely, def stay in the shade.

I have got my post op appt tomorrow, the pre op plan was that I will start Rads 4 wks after surgery which would be approx 9th July.  Will find out more tomorrow.  I have seroma under my arm that  needed draining yesterday and will need doing again at end of week, Im hoping that wont put my Rads back but I think it probably will.  


Not much I can do but go with the flow, glad you have your date now so that you can plan the next couple of months.


Sandra x x

Whizzing through and saying hello to Sheena, Sharnie and Sandra. Not on here much atm as I’m catching up a bit on my life, now I feel so much better after the chemo. It’s SO good to feel fairly well again! Really hoping that the rads don’t knock me back too far again.
Where in Greece are you off to, Sharnie?
Sheena, hope you find out soon whether you need chemo or not. It’s horrid the waiting game.
Sandra, hope the seroma, clears up very soon.
Riversidedawn, my onc told me if going away in this country, to take my file with me and if necessary a local Dr would see me if I had any sort of problem.

How was your daughter’s prom, Sharnie?
Are you ready for the start tomorrow, Riversidedawn?

Rang the hospital today and I am booked in the system! I have my planning appointment next Thursday and start radiotherapy 21st July which means I will have my last one 3 days before going on holiday - am a bit concerned about this but guess I will just have to cover up well and stay in the shade, bit annoyed really as did tell the department I was going away and they said you will be finished well before your holiday. Can’t cancel now either as its all paid for and its a family holiday too - six of us going. Anyone else been away this close to finishing rads?

Started rads yesterday, all going well. 2 down, 13 to go. I finish on 21st July Sharnie! And then I go away 3 days later too - but just down to Cornwall.

Morning All,  had my op on 15th May for lump and lymph node.  Am due to have my planning meeting at Velindre on Monday for 15 sessions of Radiotherapy followed by tablets.  Suffering disturbed sleep pattern and mood swings.  Feeling really good in myself.  Quite new to all this technical  malarkey. 

Where ‘up the valleys’ are you Whitejasmine? The Velindre has a very good reputation. Good idea to do a ‘recky’, it’s well signposted so you should find it easily. Can you wave to my ‘best friend forever’ when you go for your planning appt - she lives about 100 yds from the entrance to the hpl! I’m using exactly the same products as Riversidesawn although I have to buy my own E45! My appt tomorrow is at 07.48 so have to leave home before 7am! But half way through then:) it really is a walk in the park so far compared to surgery and chemo. Best wishes to all.

Morning All have my planning meeting this afternoon for radiotherapy. Feeling really nervous about it.  Didn’t feel like this at diagnosis or op.  Husband taking me so at least I don’t have to drive.  Hope you’ve all had a good weekend. 

Good morning ladies

I have my planning meeting on 21st so I may be joining you July zappers

wishing you all well x

sheena x

Hi All just come back from doctors, left side of my scar (where I had a scab) has started to weep a bit. Thank goodness everything ok. Gotta go back next week for them to keep a check but if I get worried inbetween give them a ring. Hope your holiday goes well Sarni have a great time. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement really appreciate it.  Starting to get a few things back to “normal” (well as “normal” as one can get). Off to choir practice tonight it’ll be lovely to see all the girls again. 

Sorry to hear about your weeping scar, Whitejasmin. Glad your scar is responding to treatment Riversidedawn.
Well done on the exercise ladies. I worked in a leisure centre for 19 years and still can’t swim or ride a bike!!
I’m loving feeling well again! Catching up with friends and being able to eat all the foods that were banned during the chemo is wonderful. There may be a national shortage of prawns soon!!
3 more rads to go for me. I finish on Tuesday next week. Appt is 08.24 hrs, then have to be in Swindon for 11.00 hrs appt for heart scan and Herceptin appt at 12.30 hrs. After that no scheduled medical appts until the next Herceptin on 11 August, the day before I go to stay with my friend in France.
Might have to have a little celebration on Tuesday eve next week!
After so many dark days through the last 9 months I’m so grateful to have things to look forward to again. Love and best wishes to you all. xx

Hooray, had letter today rads start 29th July. Had a message of my oldest son yesterday evening he’s in plaster up to his knee with a broken foot. Then this evening had another call off him, his son has torn the ligaments in his knee so they’re both on crutches.


Riversidedawn not on antibiotics just have to keep it dry and covered, hopefully should be OK.  Think some of my weight gain may be down to a bit of over indulgence of chocolate.


Pinkbaglady Glad to hear your feeling so well (you can have my share of prawns I don’t like the blooming things).  Enjoy your celebration


Tussie Hope your session goes well on Monday.


Think I’m in for a sleepless night, can’t seem to settle.  Night All. X