Just been told I have breast cancer

Hi I’m Sharon and new to all this. For over three weeks I noticed I had a large lump in my left breast but kept it to myself, it wasn’t til I looked in the mirror that I noticed that my breast dropping lower than the other one and I had a large indent, so I was getting worried so told my husband who made me see a doctor, as my husband was working my daughter took me to see the doctor and as soon as she saw my breast she said it didn’t look great so wrote to the hospital saying I need tests done. About ten days after doctors appointment me, my husband and my two daughters went to the hospital. I had a mammogram ultra scan and biopsy , I was worried about the biopsy but it was fine til the needle went deep into my lump, it was really painful, after the biopsy the doctor who done it said it looks like I might have cancer. After a while of waiting me and my three loved ones saw some sort of breast care doctor and a breast care nurse and we was told that yes I did have breast cancer and I now have a appointment this Thursday to get the results of my biopsy then will be told what sort of cancer I have and what plan of action to be taken but I will need nine months treatment and might have chemotherapy first. I have been feeling shattered with little energy for a few months now and the nurse said it is the cancer making me feel like that. I’m so worried about going to get my results on Thursday , my husband and one of my daughter will also be there. When things like this happen it hurts to think what our loved ones will have to go through as well as us but I can honestly say I’m glad it’s me and not one of them even though I’m frightened in case cancer beats me. Sorry for the long letter. I would like to wish all of you on here all the best.
Sharon xx

Hi Sharon, first of all I’m sorry for your diagnosis, however you’ve come to the right place for support and advice as we all understand how you are feeling. I’m not too far through the process yet, however there are many ladies on here who have had the operations and treatments and have made it through to the other side and are an inspiration.

From my experience the first few weeks were pretty traumatic as it all seemed to happen so quickly, however the not knowing what I was dealing with was the worst part of it. I was really scared to find out, but Once I had my biopsy results back and a treatment plan in place I felt a lot calmer knowing what I was dealing with. I had my diagnosis on 01/10/15 and have a mastectomy and node clearance booked in for 05/11/15. In the new year it’ll be chemo followed by radio.

By the sounds of it you have a supportive family network around you, make sure you lean on them as I’m sure that is what they would want. Sissy xx

Hi Sharon - Wow -  you can’t get much better advice than that from Sissy, who’s right there with you at the beginning of it all, albeit  slightly further down the unwanted path of BC. I too am glad to hear you have such a wonderfully sounding supportive family.

I’m a 9 year survivor of BC, Had two mastectomies, 2006 and 2007 - didn’t need chemo or radiotherapy. There are many more of us around so please take some solace, courage and strength from that.  I’m not the same person I used to be, am less tolerant of insignificant things, am far more  outwardly emotional, which isn’t a bad thing, I cry more easily but I also get angry more easily,  and am nuttier, daft !! (But that’s NOT necessarily anything to do with my BC experience !! I think that’s always been there but I’ve been in denial of it ! Heehee ).

Another Wow - You are obviously such a loving wife/partner,  and Mother. Everything in your message reflected that of you and in return you’ve created your own powerfully supportive family. I can remember my own Mum saying  “I wish I had it and not you”.  I think just  the strength of your love and of your family will pull you through most of this whatever other treatment you may or may not need. I’m not religious, but bless you and your family.

All good wishes from Doolally me xx