Just wondering

I’m due to see my doctor on monday. my history
saw doctor end of Nov after finding a lump, due to the fact I had only noticed the lump 3 days before he was happy to say nothing too much to worry about but come back in 2 weeks if still worried.
after a week I was so worried I went back to the doctors but saw a different one, she said she could feel what i was worried about but she wasn’t too worried & come back in a month or so if still there. this was 9th Dec, I’ve made an appointment with a differnet doctor one that I would normaly see, I’ve had to wait a while to see her.

my worry is the lump is still there, it’s not big but is near the nipple on the right side of my right breast. I have for about 4 weeks or so been having a lot of pain down my right side of my breast & under arm. Also pain in my nibble to the point where even changing clothes would make it hurt & I would flinch if i caught it.I’m now also having pain to the touch on the let underside of the same breast. I also felt a small hard round lump in this area yesterday for the first time.
I’m worried now that I’m feeling things just because it’s on my mind.
Do you think the doctor will send me away again or should i ask to be checked out if anything just to clear my mind from the stress i have felt over the last 3 months.

they say you should no your body & as far as i can remember i have never had lumps or pain in my breast so to me this is different to the norm.

sorry to go on but my head is all over the place.

hi let me firstly say that I hope what you are experiencing is nothing to worry about but to tell you my story, I was 39 and had a lump in my right breast, very painful my dr said it was a fibroadenoma sent me away, went back and he was on holiday saw a nother dr who said the same, 4 months on going out of my mind with worry I saw dr again, he sent me to see a psychologist convinced me it was in my own mind, it was driving me crazy, so I went back one more time and saw him he was very rude and grudgingle conceeded to a mammogram, results came back saying they recommended a biopsy, he still said wait 6 months and we will wait to see if it has changed. By this time I had enough and insisted on seeing a surgeon, who did a biopsy and yes it was cancer , all I kept thinking was that if I had gone away and believed him what would the outcome of been.I have had 18 years and unfortunately had a reccurence in the same breast and had a mastectomy. The point I am trying to make is that any lump should be investigated , if only for your peace of mind, if it turns out to be nothing then great you can get on with your life, but if it isnt, then it isnt going to go away, go back and insist on a refferal it is your body dont ever leave your health in someone elses hands best wishes love suzan x

Hi Twinmum,

I have seen your previous posts re your concerns - you must go back and insist on being referred to the clinic for a triple assessment. You are doing yourself no good worrying and need to know one way or the other!

It may be nothing or it may be something - you will only know by getting yourself properly checked out. If you feel something isn’t right then you owe it to yourself to put your mind at rest.

I had a fibrodonema diagosed about 4 years ago and something about it started to bother me early last year as I noticed changes in the skin by my nipple right where the fibrodonema was. I put off getting it checked out as I was sure it was the fibrodonema and I would be wasting people’s time. In the end (July) I did get it checked and was diagnosed with BC in August last year. They say the cancer was under the fibrodonema but on the path report of my mastectomy there was no mention of a fibrodonema and they say it didn’t turn cancerous… but hey where did it go?

Luckily I only had micromets in one of the 9 lymph nodes they took but had I put it off for longer who knows.

Get yourself checked please and let us know how you get on, xx

thank you so much for your replies.
I’m at working sitting here with pains in the breast that just won’t go away.
I also have had a friend who found a lump 6 months before having it checked out & she had BC so i think that is really playing on my mind.
i’m sure deep down i know it’s nothing but my mind is really going for it.
I will let you know on monday once i have been to the doctors.
ALso i don’t have regular periods i can have 1 a year or nothing for years so i can be sure if this is anything to do with my cycle or not. also i’ve never that i can remember had breast pains not even when i breast feed my twins.

thanks again

dont sit wondering go again to dr I ahd a lump last sept and within a few days had to have a masectomy but I put off going to docs for a while and just hoped it would go away - proding it every two mins did not help . keep on till you are satisfied with dx