Ladies who had surgery first

Just a quick question for those of you who had surgery first, only to discover it was in the lymph nodes at point of surgery and then had to have chemotherapy afterwards. Did you have a CT scan before or after discovering it was in the lymph nodes, or not at all?


Hi Daisy
I had mammograms, breast biopsy,ultrasound and then MRI scan, then a mastectomy and a node biopsy on first operation (nodes don’t always show up on ultrasound or MRI scan) on so then had to go back to have lymph nodes removed and found 1 infected, I am now half way through chemo before radiotherapy. No CT scan has been done, I think different things work in fife rent areas.
Any other questions please ask
Take care and have a good day?


I had fna of lymph nodes before surgery which was positive so I knew I would have lymph node clearance during the op. My CT and bone scans were done after the fna and before surgery, and were otherwise clear. I am now having chemo.



Thanks for the reply and sharing your experience H. Hope you’re first chemo has gone well. We don’t know how many positive lymph nodes my mum has - they said a number of nodes in levels 1 and 2 were seen enlarged on MRI. They won’t know until surgery - which is after chemo. This isn’t going smoothly at the moment but trying to keep thinking positively.

Hi daisy. I also had lymph nodes picked up after masectomy and they biopsied with ultra sound. When I saw my surgeon she organised a ct scan straight away which was clear - she phoned me with results so I didn’t have to wait a week. I hade masectomy, 2 large tumours (8cm and 2 cm) and 26/27 lymph nodes tested positive. But I stress my ct scan was clear. So your mum is going through chemo which is aimed at mopping up and stray nasties.

Hang in there with her, she’s lucky to have your support xx

Hi daisy. I had surgery first and then had CT and bone scans to make sure it hadn’t spread anywhere else. As it had spread to lymph nodes I had to have full clearance and have now started 6 sessions of chemo followed by radiotherapy every day for 4 weeks. I hope you are getting through this ok xx