Losing hair - cold cap - experiences please!

Hello ladies


I had my first cycle of EC 20 days ago (cycle 2 tomorrow and then another 2 cycles after that and then Paclitaxil/Carboplatin weekly for 12 weeks) and decided very early on that I would try cold capping. 


From day 1 to day 18 of cycle 1, I shed very little hair - almost nothing.  In fact, it looked less than normal but on day 19 I had a full tangle teezer of hair.  :(  I can’t tell you how it’s affected me.  I’ve been in floods of tears.  I KNOW that this may only be a temporary shedding but all through this horrible journey the only thing I’ve wanted is to keep my hair!


So my questions are:


For those who lost hair, did the shedding come and go during the cycles or once it had started did it not stop until you had completed all cycles?


Did you have a sore head at all (not at the time of cold capping but during the weeks following chemo)?  I’ve had a very sensitive scalp and sore feeling and I’m not sure what that means.


I’m definitely not giving up and tomorrow I’ll be dressed for the North Pole again but I’d welcome your experience ladies.

Hello  Michele


I had 6 cycles of EC last year and I used the cold cap, I lost the most hair after my first cycle then I must have lost a fair bit over the following months as I felt the need to wear a hat although I didn’t notice it coming out.


I have just finished 21 weekly Paclitaxel cycles,it has stopped working for me now.  The cold cap works brilliantly with this chemo, I was told this before I started and have kept most of my hair although it’s in terrible condition.


I can’t say I had a sore head or any headaches but I hated wearing that cold cap and it makes the treatment time much longer, having said that would I do it again, probably.


Good luck tomorrow,one lady use to take a hot water bottle with her I just wore my thermal vest.


Take care.

